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February 12, 2025, at 08:04 PM by -
Changed lines 5-6 from:
!!Valentine's Dinner
'''Please take a moment and review what will be available for Valentine's Dinner, February 14th and Saturday, February 15th.  We will be presenting a Prix Fixe menu for both evenings, please review prior to making reservations.  If you have any questions or needs, we'll certainly make an effort to accommodate.  Thank you. [[ValentinesDay]]'''
!!Valentine's Weekend
'''We are fully committed Thursday, February 13th, Friday February 14th and Saturday, February 15th.  We apologize for the inconvenience. [[ValentinesDay]]'''
January 20, 2025, at 03:20 PM by -
Changed line 6 from:
'''Please take a moment and review what will be available for Valentine's Dinner, February 14th and Saturday, February 15th.  We will be presenting a Prix Fixe menu for both evenings, please review prior to making an effort to make reservations.  If you have any questions or requests, we'll certainly make an effort to accommodate.  Thank you. [[ValentinesDay]]'''
'''Please take a moment and review what will be available for Valentine's Dinner, February 14th and Saturday, February 15th.  We will be presenting a Prix Fixe menu for both evenings, please review prior to making reservations.  If you have any questions or needs, we'll certainly make an effort to accommodate.  Thank you. [[ValentinesDay]]'''
January 15, 2025, at 10:49 PM by -
Changed lines 6-7 from:
'''Please take a moment and review what will be available for Valentine's Dinner, February 14th and Saturday, February 15th.  We will be presenting a Prix Fixe menu for both evenings, please take a moment to review prior to making an effort to make reservations.  If you have any questions or requests, we'll certainly make an effort to accommodate.  Thank you. [[ValentinesDay]] Valentine's Menu'''
'''Please take a moment and review what will be available for Valentine's Dinner, February 14th and Saturday, February 15th.  We will be presenting a Prix Fixe menu for both evenings, please review prior to making an effort to make reservations.  If you have any questions or requests, we'll certainly make an effort to accommodate.  Thank you. [[ValentinesDay]]'''
January 15, 2025, at 10:48 PM by -
Changed lines 6-7 from:
'''Please take a moment and review what will be available for Valentine's Dinner, February 14th and Saturday, February 15th.  We will be presenting a Prix Fixe menu for both evenings, please take a moment to review prior to making an effort to make reservations.  If you have any questions or requests, we'll certainly make an effort to accommodate.  Thank you. Attach:ValentinesDay'''
'''Please take a moment and review what will be available for Valentine's Dinner, February 14th and Saturday, February 15th.  We will be presenting a Prix Fixe menu for both evenings, please take a moment to review prior to making an effort to make reservations.  If you have any questions or requests, we'll certainly make an effort to accommodate.  Thank you. [[ValentinesDay]] Valentine's Menu'''
January 15, 2025, at 10:43 PM by -
Changed line 6 from:
'''Please take a moment and review what will be available for Valentine's Dinner, February 14th and Saturday, February 15th.  We will be presenting a Prix Fixe menu for both evenings, please take a moment to review prior to making an effort to make reservations.  If you have any questions or requests, we'll certainly make an effort to accommodate.  Thank you.'''
'''Please take a moment and review what will be available for Valentine's Dinner, February 14th and Saturday, February 15th.  We will be presenting a Prix Fixe menu for both evenings, please take a moment to review prior to making an effort to make reservations.  If you have any questions or requests, we'll certainly make an effort to accommodate.  Thank you. Attach:ValentinesDay'''
January 15, 2025, at 10:42 PM by -
Changed line 6 from:
'''Please take a moment and review what will be available for Valentine's Dinner, February 14th and Saturday, February 15th.  We will be presenting a Prix Fixe menu, please take a moment to review prior to making an effort to make reservations.  If you have any questions or requests, we'll certainly make an effort to accommodate.  Thank you.'''
'''Please take a moment and review what will be available for Valentine's Dinner, February 14th and Saturday, February 15th.  We will be presenting a Prix Fixe menu for both evenings, please take a moment to review prior to making an effort to make reservations.  If you have any questions or requests, we'll certainly make an effort to accommodate.  Thank you.'''
January 15, 2025, at 10:41 PM by -
Added lines 4-6:

!!Valentine's Dinner
'''Please take a moment and review what will be available for Valentine's Dinner, February 14th and Saturday, February 15th.  We will be presenting a Prix Fixe menu, please take a moment to review prior to making an effort to make reservations.  If you have any questions or requests, we'll certainly make an effort to accommodate.  Thank you.'''
January 15, 2025, at 10:26 PM by -
Deleted lines 3-10:


'''We only have a waiting list available for  [[NewYearsEve | '+''New Year's Eve''+']]'''

!!CLOSED January 1st until we re-open Thursday, January 16th for dinner at 5pm.

December 30, 2024, at 01:08 PM by -
Changed line 7 from:
'''Friday December 27th and Saturday, December 28th, we have availability, however it is becoming limited. Making reservations early is strongly recommended.  We do have a few openings remaining for  [[NewYearsEve | '+''New Year's Eve''+']]'''
'''We only have a waiting list available for  [[NewYearsEve | '+''New Year's Eve''+']]'''
December 27, 2024, at 03:35 PM by -
Changed line 6 from:
December 27, 2024, at 03:35 PM by -
Changed lines 8-11 from:
'''Friday December 27th and Saturday, December 28th, we have availability, however it is becoming limited. Making reservations early is strongly recommended.  We do have a few openings remaining for New Year's Eve [[NewYearsEve | '+''New Year's Eve''+']]'''


Changed line 14 from:
'''An ideal way to send a special gift for birthday, anniversary or a job well done.  Call us in advance and we'll have it ready when you arrive, or, if you're out of town, we can arrange to mail it.  337.439.8364 We are able to provide gift certificates Tuesdays, Wednesdays and prior to opening Thursday, Friday and Saturday - calling ahead is strongly encouraged!!!''' {+'''''Please be aware that showing up during dinner service in December may involve an extended delay, which can be avoided by calling ahead and providing the needed information to prepare the gift certificate in advance.'''''+}
'''An ideal way to send a special gift for birthday, anniversary or a job well done.  Call us in advance and we'll have it ready when you arrive, or, if you're out of town, we can arrange to mail it.  337.439.8364 We are able to provide gift certificates Tuesdays, Wednesdays and prior to opening Thursday, Friday and Saturday - calling ahead is strongly encouraged!!!''' {+'''''Please be aware that showing up during dinner service in may involve an extended delay, which can be avoided by calling ahead and providing the needed information to prepare the gift certificate in advance.'''''+}
December 27, 2024, at 03:34 PM by -
Added lines 6-8:
'''Friday December 27th and Saturday, December 28th, we have availability, however it is becoming limited. Making reservations early is strongly recommended.  We do have a few openings remaining for  [[NewYearsEve | '+''New Year's Eve''+']]'''
Changed lines 10-11 from:
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December 27, 2024, at 03:33 PM by -
Changed line 6 from:
'''Friday December 27th and Saturday, December 28th, we have availability, however it is becoming limited. Making reservations early is strongly recommended.  We do have a few openings remaining for New Year's Eve [[NewYearsEVe | '+''New Year's Eve''+']]'''
'''Friday December 27th and Saturday, December 28th, we have availability, however it is becoming limited. Making reservations early is strongly recommended.  We do have a few openings remaining for New Year's Eve [[NewYearsEve | '+''New Year's Eve''+']]'''
December 27, 2024, at 03:33 PM by -
Changed line 6 from:
'''We are fully committed: Saturday, December 21st. {+'''''Limited Availability''''':+} Thursday, December 26th; Friday December 27th and Saturday, December 28th, we have availability, however it is becoming limited. Making reservations early is strongly recommended.  We apologize for the inconvenience. '''
'''Friday December 27th and Saturday, December 28th, we have availability, however it is becoming limited. Making reservations early is strongly recommended.  We do have a few openings remaining for New Year's Eve [[NewYearsEVe | '+''New Year's Eve''+']]'''
December 21, 2024, at 09:26 PM by -
Changed line 6 from:
'''We are fully committed: Saturday, December 21st. {+'''''Limited Availability''''':+} Thursday, December 26th; Friday December 27th and Saturday, December 28th, we have availability, however availability is becoming limited. Making reservations early is strongly recommended.  We apologize for the inconvenience. '''
'''We are fully committed: Saturday, December 21st. {+'''''Limited Availability''''':+} Thursday, December 26th; Friday December 27th and Saturday, December 28th, we have availability, however it is becoming limited. Making reservations early is strongly recommended.  We apologize for the inconvenience. '''
December 21, 2024, at 09:25 PM by -
Changed line 6 from:
'''We are fully committed: Friday, December 20th and Saturday, December 21st. {+'''''Very Limited Availability''''':+} Thursday, December 19th; 8pm or later only. Thursday, December 26th, Friday December 27th and Saturday, December 28th, we have availability, however it is limited. Making reservations early is strongly recommended.  We apologize for the inconvenience. '''
'''We are fully committed: Saturday, December 21st. {+'''''Limited Availability''''':+} Thursday, December 26th; Friday December 27th and Saturday, December 28th, we have availability, however availability is becoming limited. Making reservations early is strongly recommended.  We apologize for the inconvenience. '''
December 18, 2024, at 08:57 PM by -
Changed lines 6-8 from:
'''December is filling up quickly, the following days/dates we are fully committed: Friday, December 13th, Saturday, December 14th. {+'''''Very Limited Availability''''':+} Thursday, December 19th and Saturday, December 21st. Making reservations early is strongly recommended.  We apologize for the inconvenience. '''
'''We are fully committed: Friday, December 20th and Saturday, December 21st. {+'''''Very Limited Availability''''':+} Thursday, December 19th; 8pm or later only. Thursday, December 26th, Friday December 27th and Saturday, December 28th, we have availability, however it is limited. Making reservations early is strongly recommended.  We apologize for the inconvenience. '''

!!CLOSED January 1st until we re-open Thursday, January 16th for dinner at 5pm.
December 11, 2024, at 12:27 PM by -
Changed line 10 from:
'''An ideal way to send a special gift for birthday, anniversary or a job well done.  Call us in advance and we'll have it ready when you arrive, or, if you're out of town, we can arrange to mail it.  337.439.8364 We are able to provide gift certificates Tuesdays, Wednesdays and prior to opening Thursday, Friday and Saturday - calling ahead is strongly encouraged!!! Please be aware that showing up during dinner service in December may involve an extended delay, which can be avoided by calling ahead and providing the needed information to prepare the gift certificate in advance.'''
'''An ideal way to send a special gift for birthday, anniversary or a job well done.  Call us in advance and we'll have it ready when you arrive, or, if you're out of town, we can arrange to mail it.  337.439.8364 We are able to provide gift certificates Tuesdays, Wednesdays and prior to opening Thursday, Friday and Saturday - calling ahead is strongly encouraged!!!''' {+'''''Please be aware that showing up during dinner service in December may involve an extended delay, which can be avoided by calling ahead and providing the needed information to prepare the gift certificate in advance.'''''+}
December 11, 2024, at 12:26 PM by -
Changed lines 6-8 from:
'''December is filling up quickly, the following days/dates we are fully committed: Thursday, December 5th, Friday, December 6th, Saturday, December 14th. {+'''''Very Limited Availability''''':+} Friday, December 13th, Thursday, December 19th and Saturday, December 21st. Making reservations early is strongly recommended.  We apologize for the inconvenience. '''

'''December is filling up quickly, the following days/dates we are fully committed: Friday, December 13th, Saturday, December 14th. {+'''''Very Limited Availability''''':+} Thursday, December 19th and Saturday, December 21st. Making reservations early is strongly recommended.  We apologize for the inconvenience. '''

Changed line 10 from:
'''An ideal way to send a special gift for birthday, anniversary or a job well done.  Call us in advance and we'll have it ready when you arrive, or, if you're out of town, we can arrange to mail it.  337.439.8364 We are able to provide gift certificates Tuesdays, Wednesdays and prior to opening Thursday, Friday and Saturday - calling ahead is strongly encouraged!!!'''
'''An ideal way to send a special gift for birthday, anniversary or a job well done.  Call us in advance and we'll have it ready when you arrive, or, if you're out of town, we can arrange to mail it.  337.439.8364 We are able to provide gift certificates Tuesdays, Wednesdays and prior to opening Thursday, Friday and Saturday - calling ahead is strongly encouraged!!! Please be aware that showing up during dinner service in December may involve an extended delay, which can be avoided by calling ahead and providing the needed information to prepare the gift certificate in advance.'''
December 04, 2024, at 02:14 AM by -
Changed line 6 from:
'''We will closed Thursday, November 28th for Thanksgiving, we will be open Friday, November 29th and Saturday, November 30th. December is filling up quickly, the following days/dates we are fully committed: Friday, December 6th, Saturday, December 14th. {+'''''Very Limited Availability''''':+} Thursday, December 5th, Friday, December 13th, Saturday, December 21st. Making reservations early is strongly recommended.  We apologize for the inconvenience. '''
'''December is filling up quickly, the following days/dates we are fully committed: Thursday, December 5th, Friday, December 6th, Saturday, December 14th. {+'''''Very Limited Availability''''':+} Friday, December 13th, Thursday, December 19th and Saturday, December 21st. Making reservations early is strongly recommended.  We apologize for the inconvenience. '''
November 25, 2024, at 03:47 PM by -
Changed line 6 from:
'''We will closed Thursday, November 28th for Thanksgiving, we will be open Friday, November 29th and Saturday, November 30th. December is filling up quickly, the following days/dates we are fully committed: Friday, December 6th, Saturday, December 14th. '''''Very Limited Availability''''': Thursday, December 5th, Friday, December 13th, Saturday, December 21st. Making reservations early is strongly recommended.  We apologize for the inconvenience. '''
'''We will closed Thursday, November 28th for Thanksgiving, we will be open Friday, November 29th and Saturday, November 30th. December is filling up quickly, the following days/dates we are fully committed: Friday, December 6th, Saturday, December 14th. {+'''''Very Limited Availability''''':+} Thursday, December 5th, Friday, December 13th, Saturday, December 21st. Making reservations early is strongly recommended.  We apologize for the inconvenience. '''
November 25, 2024, at 12:33 AM by -
November 25, 2024, at 12:32 AM by -
Changed line 6 from:
'''Saturday, November 23rd, we are fully committed and unable to accept any more reservations.  We will be unable to seat walk-ins.  We apologize for the inconvenience.  We will also be closed Thursday, November 28th for Thanksgiving, we will be open Friday, November 29th and Saturday, November 30th.'''
'''We will closed Thursday, November 28th for Thanksgiving, we will be open Friday, November 29th and Saturday, November 30th. December is filling up quickly, the following days/dates we are fully committed: Friday, December 6th, Saturday, December 14th. '''''Very Limited Availability''''': Thursday, December 5th, Friday, December 13th, Saturday, December 21st. Making reservations early is strongly recommended.  We apologize for the inconvenience. '''
November 23, 2024, at 07:05 PM by -
Added lines 4-7:

'''Saturday, November 23rd, we are fully committed and unable to accept any more reservations.  We will be unable to seat walk-ins.  We apologize for the inconvenience.  We will also be closed Thursday, November 28th for Thanksgiving, we will be open Friday, November 29th and Saturday, November 30th.'''

November 05, 2024, at 09:44 PM by -
Deleted lines 3-5:

!! Availability
'''Friday, November 1st we are fully committed and unable to accommodate any reservations or walk-ins. We apologize for the inconvenience.'''
October 31, 2024, at 06:33 PM by -
Changed line 6 from:
'''Friday, November 1st we are fully committed and unable to accommodate any reservations or walk-ins. We apologize for the inconvenience.!!!'''
'''Friday, November 1st we are fully committed and unable to accommodate any reservations or walk-ins. We apologize for the inconvenience.'''
October 31, 2024, at 06:33 PM by -
Added lines 4-6:

!! Availability
'''Friday, November 1st we are fully committed and unable to accommodate any reservations or walk-ins. We apologize for the inconvenience.!!!'''
October 21, 2024, at 08:26 AM by -
Deleted lines 3-5:

!! Availability
'''Thursday, October 17th we are fully committed and will not have any availability for reservations or walk-ins.  Friday, November 1st, we are also fully committed and have no availability for reservations or walk-ins.  We apologize for the inconvenience.'''
October 08, 2024, at 10:57 PM by -
Added lines 4-6:

!! Availability
'''Thursday, October 17th we are fully committed and will not have any availability for reservations or walk-ins.  Friday, November 1st, we are also fully committed and have no availability for reservations or walk-ins.  We apologize for the inconvenience.'''
Deleted lines 3-5:

!! Francine
'''While Francine appears to be a threat to this region, we are planning to be open our usual hours based upon circumstances once the storm has passed.  There is the possibility that some menu itmes may be limited due to the impact in the region.  We hope it will not interfere with our operation, however we will only know once an assessment is made afterwards.'''
Added lines 4-6:

!! Francine
'''While Francine appears to be a threat to this region, we are planning to be open our usual hours based upon circumstances once the storm has passed.  There is the possibility that some menu itmes may be limited due to the impact in the region.  We hope it will not interfere with our operation, however we will only know once an assessment is made afterwards.'''
September 01, 2024, at 09:38 PM by - Remove toast tabloid test
Deleted lines 29-30:

August 25, 2024, at 12:42 PM by -
Deleted lines 3-5:

!! Availability
'''Tonight, Saturday, August 24th, we are fully committed and not accepting any more reservations.  We will not be seating walk-ins as well.  We apologize for the inconvenience.'''
August 24, 2024, at 05:10 PM by -
Changed line 6 from:
'''Tonight, August 24th, we are fully committed and not accepting any more reservations.  We will not be seating walk-ins as well.  We apologize for the inconvenience.'''
'''Tonight, Saturday, August 24th, we are fully committed and not accepting any more reservations.  We will not be seating walk-ins as well.  We apologize for the inconvenience.'''
August 24, 2024, at 05:08 PM by -
Added lines 4-6:

!! Availability
'''Tonight, August 24th, we are fully committed and not accepting any more reservations.  We will not be seating walk-ins as well.  We apologize for the inconvenience.'''
August 12, 2024, at 12:00 AM by Cameron - Remove "availability" section
Deleted lines 3-5:

'''Tonight, Friday (August 9th) and Saturday night (August 10th) we are fully committed.  We are unable to accommodate any more reservations, and we will not seat any walk-ins this weekend.  We apologize for the inconvenience.'''
August 09, 2024, at 07:52 PM by -
Changed line 6 from:
'''This Thursday (August 8th) and Friday (August 9th) we are extremely limited and only able to accommodate reservations for couples.  Saturday night (August 10th) we are fully committed.  We are unable to accommodate any more reservations for Saturday, and we will not seat any walk-ins this weekend.  We apologize for the inconvenience.'''
'''Tonight, Friday (August 9th) and Saturday night (August 10th) we are fully committed.  We are unable to accommodate any more reservations, and we will not seat any walk-ins this weekend.  We apologize for the inconvenience.'''
August 08, 2024, at 07:33 PM by -
Added lines 4-6:

'''This Thursday (August 8th) and Friday (August 9th) we are extremely limited and only able to accommodate reservations for couples.  Saturday night (August 10th) we are fully committed.  We are unable to accommodate any more reservations for Saturday, and we will not seat any walk-ins this weekend.  We apologize for the inconvenience.'''
July 29, 2024, at 09:09 PM by -
Deleted lines 3-5:

!! Summer Break
'''We will be closed for summer break starting July 1st until July 17th.  We will resume our regular service starting Thursday, July 18th.'''
May 21, 2024, at 11:58 AM by -
Changed lines 5-6 from:
'''Tonight, Saturday May 18th, we are fully committed and not accepting any more reservations. We will be unable to accommodate walk-ins as well. We apologize for the inconvenience.!!!'''
!! Summer Break
'''We will be closed for summer break starting July 1st until July 17th.  We will resume our regular service starting Thursday, July 18th.'''
May 18, 2024, at 09:03 PM by -
May 18, 2024, at 09:02 PM by -
May 18, 2024, at 09:02 PM by -
Added lines 4-6:

'''Tonight, Saturday May 18th, we are fully committed and not accepting any more reservations. We will be unable to accommodate walk-ins as well. We apologize for the inconvenience.!!!'''
May 17, 2024, at 01:09 AM by -
Deleted lines 3-8:

'''Saturday, May 10th, we are fully committed and not taking any more reservations.  We are unable to accommodate walk-ins. We apologize for the inconvenience.'''

!! Mother's Day
[[MothersDay | '+''Mother's Day Menu''+']] '''SOLD OUT'''
May 11, 2024, at 04:02 PM by -
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'''Saturday, May 10th, we are fully committed and not taking any more reservations.  We are unable to accommodate walk-ins. We apologize for the inconvenience.'''
May 11, 2024, at 04:01 PM by -
Changed line 6 from:
[[MothersDay | '+''Mother's Day Menu''+']]
[[MothersDay | '+''Mother's Day Menu''+']] '''SOLD OUT'''
May 07, 2024, at 11:37 PM by -
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!! Mother's Day
[[MothersDay | '+''Mother's Day Menu''+']]
March 24, 2024, at 04:56 AM by -
Deleted lines 3-5:

'''Saturday, March 23rd, we are fully committed and are not accepting any more reservations. We will be unable to seat walk-ins. We apologize for the inconvenience.'''
March 22, 2024, at 07:20 PM by -
Changed line 6 from:
'''Saturday, March 23rd, we are fully committed and are not accepting any more reservations. We will be unable to seat walk-ins. We apologize for the inconvenience.!!!'''
'''Saturday, March 23rd, we are fully committed and are not accepting any more reservations. We will be unable to seat walk-ins. We apologize for the inconvenience.'''
March 22, 2024, at 07:19 PM by -
Added lines 5-6:
'''Saturday, March 23rd, we are fully committed and are not accepting any more reservations. We will be unable to seat walk-ins. We apologize for the inconvenience.!!!'''
March 03, 2024, at 04:29 AM by -
Deleted lines 4-5:
!! Availability!!!
'''Tonight, Saturday, March 2nd, we are fully committed and unable to accommodate any more reservations or walk-ins.  We apologize for the inconvenience.'''
March 02, 2024, at 10:00 PM by -
Changed line 6 from:
'''We currently have lost power for Saturday, February 24th and are awaiting response from Entergy regarding our ability to open this evening.'''
'''Tonight, Saturday, March 2nd, we are fully committed and unable to accommodate any more reservations or walk-ins.  We apologize for the inconvenience.'''
February 24, 2024, at 09:33 PM by -
Changed line 6 from:
'''We are fully committed for Friday, February 16th and Saturday, February 17th.  We apologize for the inconvenience. '''
'''We currently have lost power for Saturday, February 24th and are awaiting response from Entergy regarding our ability to open this evening.'''
February 16, 2024, at 10:38 PM by -
Changed lines 5-6 from:
!! Availability & Valentine's Dinner!!!
'''We are fully committed for Valentine's Dinner.  We will not be seating any walk-ins.  Thursday and Friday evening we are very limited on availability, the more popular seating times are already filled.  Saturday has some availability, however that can change without notice. For more information click on the following link for our Valentine's Dinner menu: [[ValentinesDay | '+''Valentine's Dinner Menu''+']] '''
!! Availability!!!
'''We are fully committed for Friday, February 16th and Saturday, February 17th.  We apologize for the inconvenience. '''
February 14, 2024, at 03:43 PM by -
Changed line 6 from:
'''Saturday, February 10th, we are fully committed and unable to accommodate reservations including walk-ins. We are open for dinner, Wednesday, February 14th.  We will be presenting a prix fixe menu, reservations are required and a credit card will also be needed to secure reservations.  For more information click on the following link for our Valentine's Dinner menu: [[ValentinesDay | '+''Valentine's Dinner Menu''+']] '''
'''We are fully committed for Valentine's Dinner.  We will not be seating any walk-ins.  Thursday and Friday evening we are very limited on availability, the more popular seating times are already filled.  Saturday has some availability, however that can change without notice. For more information click on the following link for our Valentine's Dinner menu: [[ValentinesDay | '+''Valentine's Dinner Menu''+']] '''
January 31, 2024, at 12:49 AM by -
Changed line 6 from:
'''Saturday, January Saturday, 27th, we are fully committed, however we have availability for Friday, January 26th. February 10th, we are fully committed and unable to accommodate reservations including walk-ins. We are open for dinner, Wednesday, February 14th.  We will be presenting a prix fixe menu, reservations are required and a credit card will also be needed to secure reservations.  For more information click on the following link for our Valentine's Dinner menu: [[ValentinesDay | '+''Valentine's Dinner Menu''+']] '''
'''Saturday, February 10th, we are fully committed and unable to accommodate reservations including walk-ins. We are open for dinner, Wednesday, February 14th.  We will be presenting a prix fixe menu, reservations are required and a credit card will also be needed to secure reservations.  For more information click on the following link for our Valentine's Dinner menu: [[ValentinesDay | '+''Valentine's Dinner Menu''+']] '''
January 24, 2024, at 08:53 PM by -
Changed line 6 from:
'''Saturday, January Saturday, 27th, we are extremely limited for availability. February 10th, we are fully committed and unable to accommodate reservations including walk-ins. We are open for dinner, Wednesday, February 14th.  We will be presenting a prix fixe menu, reservations are required and a credit card will also be needed to secure reservations.  For more information click on the following link for our Valentine's Dinner menu: [[ValentinesDay | '+''Valentine's Dinner Menu''+']] '''
'''Saturday, January Saturday, 27th, we are fully committed, however we have availability for Friday, January 26th. February 10th, we are fully committed and unable to accommodate reservations including walk-ins. We are open for dinner, Wednesday, February 14th.  We will be presenting a prix fixe menu, reservations are required and a credit card will also be needed to secure reservations.  For more information click on the following link for our Valentine's Dinner menu: [[ValentinesDay | '+''Valentine's Dinner Menu''+']] '''
January 24, 2024, at 05:37 PM by -
Changed line 6 from:
'''Saturday, January Saturday, 27th, we are extremely limited for availability. February 10th, we are fully committed and unable to accommodate reservations including walk-ins. We are open for dinner, Wednesday, February 14th.  We will be presenting a prix fixe menu, reservations are required and a credit card will also be needed to secure reservations.  For more information click on the following link for our Valentine's Dinner menu: [[ValentinesDinner | '+''Valentine's Dinner Menu''+']] '''
'''Saturday, January Saturday, 27th, we are extremely limited for availability. February 10th, we are fully committed and unable to accommodate reservations including walk-ins. We are open for dinner, Wednesday, February 14th.  We will be presenting a prix fixe menu, reservations are required and a credit card will also be needed to secure reservations.  For more information click on the following link for our Valentine's Dinner menu: [[ValentinesDay | '+''Valentine's Dinner Menu''+']] '''
January 24, 2024, at 05:37 PM by -
Changed lines 5-6 from:
!! Holiday Break!!!
'''We are taking a much needed holiday break and are closed until we re-open, Thursday, January 18th.  That evening we have limited availability.  Saturday, January 27th, we are also limited on availability.  Saturday, February 10th, we are fully committed and will not be taking any reservations or walk-ins that eveningWe wish everyone a Happy New Year and look forward to having you with us when we resume our regular operating times.'''
!! Availability & Valentine's Dinner!!!
'''Saturday, January Saturday, 27th, we are extremely limited for availability. February 10th, we are fully committed and unable to accommodate reservations including walk-ins. We are open for dinner, Wednesday, February 14th.  We will be presenting a prix fixe menu, reservations are required and a credit card will also be needed to secure reservationsFor more information click on the following link for our Valentine's Dinner menu: [[ValentinesDinner | '+''Valentine's Dinner Menu''+']] '''
January 01, 2024, at 09:02 PM by -
Deleted lines 6-8:

!! Holiday Break
'''We will be taking a holiday break starting January 1st, and will resume our regular operating hours beginning, Thursday, January 18th.  We hope everyone has a wonderful holiday season!'''
January 01, 2024, at 09:01 PM by -
Changed lines 5-6 from:
!! Availability
'''Thursday, December 28th, we are very limited on availability for couples only.  At the moment
, Friday, December 29th has availability.  Saturday, December 30th has some, but limited availability.  New Year's Eve we have a couple of tables for parties of two only, the reservation window for those would be 5pm or 8:30pm. We apologize for the inconvenience.'''
!! Holiday Break!!!
'''We are taking a much needed holiday break and are closed until we re-open, Thursday
, January 18th.  That evening we have limited availability.  Saturday, January 27th, we are also limited on availability.  Saturday, February 10th, we are fully committed and will not be taking any reservations or walk-ins that evening. We wish everyone a Happy New Year and look forward to having you with us when we resume our regular operating times.'''
Changed line 6 from:
'''Thursday, December 28th, we are very limited on availability for couples only.  At the moment, Friday, December 29th has availability.  Saturday, December 30th has some, but limited availability.  New Year's Eve we are fully committed. We apologize for the inconvenience.'''
'''Thursday, December 28th, we are very limited on availability for couples only.  At the moment, Friday, December 29th has availability.  Saturday, December 30th has some, but limited availability.  New Year's Eve we have a couple of tables for parties of two only, the reservation window for those would be 5pm or 8:30pm. We apologize for the inconvenience.'''
Changed line 6 from:
'''Due to extreme demand, we are fully committed and will not be allowing walk-ins Friday, December 22nd and Saturday, December 23rd.  December 28th is becoming very limited, as well as December 30thWe recommend calling early for reservations to get the best options for what still remains. We apologize for the inconvenience.'''
'''Thursday, December 28th, we are very limited on availability for couples only.  At the moment, Friday, December 29th has availability.  Saturday, December 30th has some, but limited availabilityNew Year's Eve we are fully committed. We apologize for the inconvenience.'''
Changed line 6 from:
'''Due to extreme demand, we are fully committed and will not be allowing walk-ins Thursday, December 21st.  We have very few openings for small parties on Friday, December 22nd and Saturday, December 23rd.  We anticipate becoming fully committed for those evenings shortly.  Making reservations soon is your best bet to make sure there is availability for you. We apologize for the inconvenience.'''
'''Due to extreme demand, we are fully committed and will not be allowing walk-ins Friday, December 22nd and Saturday, December 23rd.  December 28th is becoming very limited, as well as December 30th.  We recommend calling early for reservations to get the best options for what still remains. We apologize for the inconvenience.'''
Changed line 6 from:
'''Due to extreme demand, we are fully committed and will not be allowing walk-ins Thursday, December 21st.  We have very little openings for Friday, December 22nd and Saturday, December 23rd.  Making reservations is your best bet to make sure there is availability for you. We apologize for the inconvenience.'''
'''Due to extreme demand, we are fully committed and will not be allowing walk-ins Thursday, December 21st.  We have very few openings for small parties on Friday, December 22nd and Saturday, December 23rd.  We anticipate becoming fully committed for those evenings shortly.  Making reservations soon is your best bet to make sure there is availability for you. We apologize for the inconvenience.'''
Changed line 6 from:
'''Due to extreme demand, we are fully committed and will not be allowing walk-ins until Thursday, December 21st, and that weekend is becoming very limited quickly.  Making reservations is your best bet to make sure there is availability for you. We apologize for the inconvenience.'''
'''Due to extreme demand, we are fully committed and will not be allowing walk-ins Thursday, December 21st.  We have very little openings for Friday, December 22nd and Saturday, December 23rd.  Making reservations is your best bet to make sure there is availability for you. We apologize for the inconvenience.'''
Added lines 4-9:

!! Availability
'''Due to extreme demand, we are fully committed and will not be allowing walk-ins until Thursday, December 21st, and that weekend is becoming very limited quickly.  Making reservations is your best bet to make sure there is availability for you. We apologize for the inconvenience.'''

!! Holiday Break
'''We will be taking a holiday break starting January 1st, and will resume our regular operating hours beginning, Thursday, January 18th.  We hope everyone has a wonderful holiday season!'''
November 24, 2023, at 08:46 PM by -
Deleted lines 3-5:

!! Thanksgiving
'''We will be closed, Thursday, November 23rd for Thanksgiving.  We will be open Friday, November 24th and Saturday, November 25th.  Saturday night is starting to get busy, early reservations are strongly recommended.  337.439.8364'''
Added lines 4-6:

!! Thanksgiving
'''We will be closed, Thursday, November 23rd for Thanksgiving.  We will be open Friday, November 24th and Saturday, November 25th.  Saturday night is starting to get busy, early reservations are strongly recommended.  337.439.8364'''
September 25, 2023, at 06:15 PM by -
Deleted lines 3-5:

!! Availability
'''Saturday, September 24th, we are fully committed and unable to accommodate any more reservations. We have no capacity for walk ins, we apologize for the incovenience.'''
September 22, 2023, at 04:55 PM by -
Added lines 5-6:
!! Availability
'''Saturday, September 24th, we are fully committed and unable to accommodate any more reservations. We have no capacity for walk ins, we apologize for the incovenience.'''
September 10, 2023, at 01:34 PM by -
Deleted lines 4-5:
!! Availability
'''Tonight, Saturday, September 9th, we are fully committed and unable to accommodate any more reservations or walk-ins.  We apologize for the inconvenience.'''
Added lines 4-6:

!! Availability
'''Tonight, Saturday, September 9th, we are fully committed and unable to accommodate any more reservations or walk-ins.  We apologize for the inconvenience.'''
Deleted lines 3-5:

'''This Friday, August 25th and Saturday, August 26th, we are fully booked and unable to accommodate any more reservations or walk-ins.  We apologize for the inconvenience.'''
Added lines 4-6:

'''This Friday, August 25th and Saturday, August 26th, we are fully booked and unable to accommodate any more reservations or walk-ins.  We apologize for the inconvenience.'''
Deleted lines 3-5:

!! Availability
'''Tonight, August 10th, we are fully committed and unable to accommodate any more reservations including walk-ins.  We apologize for the inconvenience.'''
Added lines 4-6:

!! Availability
'''Tonight, August 10th, we are fully committed and unable to accommodate any more reservations including walk-ins.  We apologize for the inconvenience.'''
July 17, 2023, at 10:15 PM by -
Deleted lines 3-5:

!! Summer Vacation
'''We will be taking a summer break for the first two full weeks of July - closed July 6th, 7th 8th and the 13th, 14th and 15th. We will resume our regular operation on Thursday, July 20th.'''
July 02, 2023, at 01:11 PM by -
Deleted lines 3-5:

'''Tonight, Saturday July 1st, we are fully committed and unable to accommodate any more reservations, including walk-ins.'''
July 01, 2023, at 07:56 PM by -
Changed line 6 from:
'''Tonight, Friday June 30th, we are fully committed and unable to accommodate any more reservations, including walk-ins.'''
'''Tonight, Saturday July 1st, we are fully committed and unable to accommodate any more reservations, including walk-ins.'''
June 30, 2023, at 11:04 PM by -
Changed line 6 from:
'''Tonight, Friday June 29th, we are fully committed and unable to accommodate any more reservations, including walk-ins.'''
'''Tonight, Friday June 30th, we are fully committed and unable to accommodate any more reservations, including walk-ins.'''
June 30, 2023, at 07:47 PM by -
Changed line 3 from:
June 30, 2023, at 07:47 PM by -
Changed line 3 from:
June 30, 2023, at 07:46 PM by -
Changed lines 3-6 from:

'''Tonight, Friday June 29th, we are fully committed and unable to accommodate any more reservations, including walk-ins.'''
May 25, 2023, at 04:05 PM by -
Added lines 4-6:

!! Summer Vacation
'''We will be taking a summer break for the first two full weeks of July - closed July 6th, 7th 8th and the 13th, 14th and 15th. We will resume our regular operation on Thursday, July 20th.'''
May 14, 2023, at 09:26 PM by -
Changed line 8 from:
!! Reservation
!! Reservations
May 14, 2023, at 09:26 PM by -
Deleted lines 3-8:

!! Availability
'''Saturday, May 13th we are fully committed and unable to accommodate any reservations or walk-ins.  We apologize for the inconvenience.'''

!! Mother's Day
'''We have some availability for Mother's Day Lunch, currently availability is 1pm & 1:30pm.  Reservations are required and a credit card will be needed to secure the reservation.  For more details please click on the link: [[MothersDay | '+''Mother's Day''+' ]]'''
May 13, 2023, at 06:04 AM by -
Changed line 6 from:
'''Thursday, May 11th we are fully committed and unable to accommodate any reservations or walk-ins.  We apologize for the inconvenience.'''
'''Saturday, May 13th we are fully committed and unable to accommodate any reservations or walk-ins.  We apologize for the inconvenience.'''
May 11, 2023, at 01:50 PM by -
Added lines 7-9:

!! Mother's Day
'''We have some availability for Mother's Day Lunch, currently availability is 1pm & 1:30pm.  Reservations are required and a credit card will be needed to secure the reservation.  For more details please click on the link: [[MothersDay | '+''Mother's Day''+' ]]'''
May 11, 2023, at 01:42 PM by -
Changed lines 11-12 from:
!! Limited dining inside is available...masks are recommended upon entry and exit.
'''The windows for reservations are 5pm-6pm and 7:30pm-8:30pm; it is vital
that if you have an early reservation that you show up on time;  late arrivals may lose their reservation, as we are providing a relaxed window for dining, and enough time for us to clean the area before the subsequent reservation.  Reservations are required, the limits for our seating capacity is a challenge to manage to be able to accommodate as many opportunities as possible.  Our wine list can be viewed on this link, Attach:WineList.pdf, our Signature Cocktails on this link, our After Dinner/Cordials/Whiskey's are here: Attach:Spirits_and_Cordials.pdf and Attach:Signature_Cocktails.pdf '''
!! Reservation
'''The openings for reservations
are 5pm; 5:30pm; 6pm; 7:30pm; 8pm; 8:30pm; it is vital that if you have an early reservation that you show up on time.  Late arrivals may lose their reservation, as we are providing a relaxed window for dining, and enough time for us to clean the area before the subsequent reservation.  Reservations are required, the limits for our seating capacity is a challenge to manage to be able to accommodate as many opportunities as possible.  Our wine list can be viewed on this link, Attach:WineList.pdf, our Signature Cocktails on this link, our After Dinner/Cordials/Whiskey's are here: Attach:Spirits_and_Cordials.pdf and Attach:Signature_Cocktails.pdf '''
May 11, 2023, at 01:40 PM by -
Changed line 15 from:
!! COVID-19 - To Go Menu
!! To Go Menu
Changed line 17 from:
'''Since our dining room has been re-opened, it is best to order early, as once dinner service starts, our ability to provide to-go selections may become unavailable. Ordering early (by 3pm) will provide you a better opportunity to determine pickup time.'''
'''Since our dining room has been re-opened, it is best to order early, as once dinner service starts, our ability to provide to-go selections may become limited or extremely delayed. Ordering early (by 3pm) will provide you a better opportunity to determine pickup time.'''
May 11, 2023, at 01:39 PM by -
Changed line 12 from:
'''The windows for reservations are 5pm-6pm and 7:30pm-8:30pm; it is vital that if you have an early reservation that you show up on time;  late arrivals may lose their reservation, as we are providing a relaxed window for dining, and enough time for us to clean the area before the subsequent reservation.  Reservations are required, the limits for our seating capacity is a challenge to manage to be able to accommodate as many opportunities as possible.  Our wine list can be viewed on this link, Attach:WineList.pdf, our Signature Cocktails on this link, our After Dinner/Cordials/Whiskey's are here: Attach:Spirits_and_Cordials.pdf and Attach:Signature_Cocktails.pdf as we are unable to provide a single use copy, as the list is quite extensive. '''
'''The windows for reservations are 5pm-6pm and 7:30pm-8:30pm; it is vital that if you have an early reservation that you show up on time;  late arrivals may lose their reservation, as we are providing a relaxed window for dining, and enough time for us to clean the area before the subsequent reservation.  Reservations are required, the limits for our seating capacity is a challenge to manage to be able to accommodate as many opportunities as possible.  Our wine list can be viewed on this link, Attach:WineList.pdf, our Signature Cocktails on this link, our After Dinner/Cordials/Whiskey's are here: Attach:Spirits_and_Cordials.pdf and Attach:Signature_Cocktails.pdf '''
May 10, 2023, at 05:33 PM by -
Deleted line 5:
'''Saturday, May 6th we are fully committed and unable to accommodate any reservations or walk-ins.  We apologize for the inconvenience.'''
May 06, 2023, at 10:00 AM by -
Added line 6:
'''Saturday, May 6th we are fully committed and unable to accommodate any reservations or walk-ins.  We apologize for the inconvenience.'''
April 25, 2023, at 09:31 PM by -
Added lines 4-6:

!! Availability
'''Thursday, May 11th we are fully committed and unable to accommodate any reservations or walk-ins.  We apologize for the inconvenience.'''
April 16, 2023, at 10:36 AM by -
Deleted lines 3-5:

!! Availability
'''Saturday, April 15th we are fully committed and unable to accept any more reservations or walk-ins.  We will also be unable to fulfill any To-Go orders. We apologize for the inconvenience.'''
April 15, 2023, at 06:16 PM by -
Changed line 6 from:
'''Saturday, April 15th we are fully committed and unable to accept any more reservations or walk-ins.  We apologize for the inconvenience.'''
'''Saturday, April 15th we are fully committed and unable to accept any more reservations or walk-ins.  We will also be unable to fulfill any To-Go orders. We apologize for the inconvenience.'''
April 15, 2023, at 04:10 AM by -
Changed line 6 from:
'''Friday, April 14th we are fully committed and unable to accept any more reservations or walk-ins.  We apologize for the inconvenience.'''
'''Saturday, April 15th we are fully committed and unable to accept any more reservations or walk-ins.  We apologize for the inconvenience.'''
April 14, 2023, at 10:09 PM by -
Added lines 4-6:

!! Availability
'''Friday, April 14th we are fully committed and unable to accept any more reservations or walk-ins.  We apologize for the inconvenience.'''
April 02, 2023, at 08:40 PM by -
Deleted lines 3-5:

!! Availability
'''Saturday, April 1st, we are fully committed and unable to accommodate any reservations or walk ins. We apologize for the inconvenience.'''
April 01, 2023, at 05:43 PM by -
Changed line 6 from:
'''Thursday, March 16th, we are fully committed and unable to accommodate any reservations or walk ins. We apologize for the inconvenience.'''
'''Saturday, April 1st, we are fully committed and unable to accommodate any reservations or walk ins. We apologize for the inconvenience.'''
February 27, 2023, at 11:12 AM by -
Deleted line 5:
'''Tonight, Saturday, February 25th, we are fully committed and unable to accommodate any reservations or walk-ins.  We apologize for the inconvenience.'''
Added line 6:
'''Tonight, Saturday, February 25th, we are fully committed and unable to accommodate any reservations or walk-ins.  We apologize for the inconvenience.'''
Changed line 6 from:
Saturday, February 18th, we are fully committed and unable to accommodate any reservations or walk ins. We apologize for the inconvenience.
'''Thursday, March 16th, we are fully committed and unable to accommodate any reservations or walk ins. We apologize for the inconvenience.'''
February 16, 2023, at 05:37 AM by -
Changed lines 5-6 from:
!! Valentine's Dinner
''' Saturday
, February 11th, we will present a four course, prix fixe menu with the option of selecting 3 or 4 courses.  This will be the only menu available that evening.  We will also present the same menu, Tuesday, February 14th, for all four courses.  Click on the following link for more details: [[ValentinesDay | '+''Valentine's Dinner''+']] '''
!! Availability
Saturday, February 18th
, we are fully committed and unable to accommodate any reservations or walk ins. We apologize for the inconvenience.
Changed line 6 from:
''' Saturday, February 11th, we will present a four course, prix fixe menu with the option of selecting 3 or 4 courses.  This will be the only menu available that evening.  We will also present the same menu, Tuesday, February 14th, for all four courses.  Click on the following link for more details: [[DinnerMenu | '+''Valentine's Dinner''+']] '''
''' Saturday, February 11th, we will present a four course, prix fixe menu with the option of selecting 3 or 4 courses.  This will be the only menu available that evening.  We will also present the same menu, Tuesday, February 14th, for all four courses.  Click on the following link for more details: [[ValentinesDay | '+''Valentine's Dinner''+']] '''
Changed lines 5-6 from:
!! Availability
''' Saturday, January 14th, we are fully committed and unable to accommodate any more reservations including walk-ins.'''
!! Valentine's Dinner
''' Saturday, February 11th, we will present a four course, prix fixe menu with the option of selecting 3 or 4 courses.  This will be the only menu available that evening.  We will also present the same menu, Tuesday, February 14th, for all four courses.  Click on the following link for more details: [[DinnerMenu | '+''Valentine's Dinner''+']] '''
Changed line 6 from:
''' Friday, January 13th, we are fully committed.'''
''' Saturday, January 14th, we are fully committed and unable to accommodate any more reservations including walk-ins.'''
Changed lines 5-9 from:
!! Holiday Break
''' We will be closed January 1st until we re-open Thursday, January 12th.  Friday, January 13th, we are fully committed.'''

!! Limited Availability!!
'''Saturday, New Year's Eve we are fully committed: [[NewYearsEve | '+''New Year's Eve Prix Fixe Menu''+']]
!! Availability
''' Friday, January 13th, we are fully committed.'''
December 31, 2022, at 08:02 PM by -
Added lines 4-6:

!! Holiday Break
''' We will be closed January 1st until we re-open Thursday, January 12th.  Friday, January 13th, we are fully committed.'''
December 31, 2022, at 08:01 PM by -
Changed line 6 from:
'''Thursday, December 29th we are almost fully committed and have very little room for additional reservations or walk ins.  Friday, we have availability, Saturday we are becoming limited, please click on the link for more details: [[NewYearsEve | '+''New Year's Eve Prix Fixe Menu''+']] '''
'''Saturday, New Year's Eve we are fully committed: [[NewYearsEve | '+''New Year's Eve Prix Fixe Menu''+']] '''
December 28, 2022, at 05:57 PM by -
Changed line 6 from:
'''Thursday, December 29th we are almost fully committed and have very little room for additional reservations or walk ins.  Friday, we have availability, Saturday we are becoming limited, please click on the link for more details:'''
'''Thursday, December 29th we are almost fully committed and have very little room for additional reservations or walk ins.  Friday, we have availability, Saturday we are becoming limited, please click on the link for more details: [[NewYearsEve | '+''New Year's Eve Prix Fixe Menu''+']] '''
December 28, 2022, at 05:55 PM by -
Changed line 6 from:
'''Thursday, December 22nd, we are fully committed and have no room for additional reservations or walk ins.  Friday, we have limited availability, Saturday we are fully committed as well.'''
'''Thursday, December 29th we are almost fully committed and have very little room for additional reservations or walk ins.  Friday, we have availability, Saturday we are becoming limited, please click on the link for more details:'''
December 21, 2022, at 07:32 PM by -
Changed line 6 from:
'''Thursday, December 22nd, we are fully committed and have no room for additional reservations or walk ins.  Friday, we have limited availability, Saturday we are fully committed.'''
'''Thursday, December 22nd, we are fully committed and have no room for additional reservations or walk ins.  Friday, we have limited availability, Saturday we are fully committed as well.'''
December 21, 2022, at 12:44 PM by -
Changed line 6 from:
'''Thursday, December 15th, we are extremely limited for openings for reservations, and we only have availability for couples.'''
'''Thursday, December 22nd, we are fully committed and have no room for additional reservations or walk ins.  Friday, we have limited availability, Saturday we are fully committed.'''
December 13, 2022, at 01:34 PM by -
Changed line 6 from:
'''Friday, December 9th - very limited availability, Saturday, December 10th - fully committed, Thursday, December 15th - very limited availability, Thursday, December 22nd - pending fully committed, Friday, December 23rd - very limited availabilit!!! Our ability to accommodate tables of 7 or more is extremely limited.'''
'''Thursday, December 15th, we are extremely limited for openings for reservations, and we only have availability for couples.'''
December 08, 2022, at 12:47 AM by -
Added lines 4-6:

!! Limited Availability!!
'''Friday, December 9th - very limited availability, Saturday, December 10th - fully committed, Thursday, December 15th - very limited availability, Thursday, December 22nd - pending fully committed, Friday, December 23rd - very limited availabilit!!! Our ability to accommodate tables of 7 or more is extremely limited.'''
November 22, 2022, at 07:33 PM by -
Deleted lines 3-5:

!!Thanksgiving Dinner Package To Go!
'''We are offering a Thanksgiving Dinner To Go for 6.  Orders must be made by Wednesday, November 16th.  For more information please click the following link: ''' [[ThanksgivingLunch | '+''Thanksgiving Turkey Dinner To Go''+']]
November 10, 2022, at 03:07 PM by -
Added lines 4-6:

!!Thanksgiving Dinner Package To Go!
'''We are offering a Thanksgiving Dinner To Go for 6.  Orders must be made by Wednesday, November 16th.  For more information please click the following link: ''' [[ThanksgivingLunch | '+''Thanksgiving Turkey Dinner To Go''+']]
July 19, 2022, at 12:35 PM by -
Deleted lines 3-5:

!! Summer Vacation
'''We will be taking a summer break and be closed from July 3rd until we re-open for dinner service Thursday, July 21st. Any messages left on the answering machine will be responded to starting Tuesday, July 19th.  Have a safe and Happy Fourth of July!!'''
June 16, 2022, at 12:04 AM by -
Added lines 4-6:

!! Summer Vacation
'''We will be taking a summer break and be closed from July 3rd until we re-open for dinner service Thursday, July 21st. Any messages left on the answering machine will be responded to starting Tuesday, July 19th.  Have a safe and Happy Fourth of July!!'''
Deleted lines 3-5:

!!Adjustments to our availability
'''Friday, January 28th, we are fully comitted.'''
January 19, 2022, at 04:46 PM by -
Changed line 6 from:
Friday, January 28th, we are fully comitted
'''Friday, January 28th, we are fully comitted.'''
January 18, 2022, at 08:52 PM by -
Changed line 6 from:
We are taking a New Year break and will be closed January 1st until we re-open for our regular service Thursday, January 20th.
Friday, January 28th, we are fully comitted
January 06, 2022, at 08:15 PM by -
January 06, 2022, at 08:15 PM by -
Changed line 6 from:
We are taking a New Year break and will be closed January 1st until we re-open for our regular service Thursday, January 20th.'''
We are taking a New Year break and will be closed January 1st until we re-open for our regular service Thursday, January 20th.
January 06, 2022, at 08:14 PM by -
Changed line 6 from:
New Year's Eve is fully committed, and we will be taking a New Year break and will be closed January 1st until we re-open for our regular service Thursday, January 20th.'''
We are taking a New Year break and will be closed January 1st until we re-open for our regular service Thursday, January 20th.'''
Changed line 6 from:
'''Thursday, December 23rd and Friday, December 24th, we are fully committed and unable to accept any more reservations.  We will be closed Christmas Day, December 25th.  New Year's Eve is fully committed, and we will be taking a New Year break and will be closed January 1st until we re-open for our regular service Thursday, January 20th.'''
New Year's Eve is fully committed, and we will be taking a New Year break and will be closed January 1st until we re-open for our regular service Thursday, January 20th.'''
Changed line 6 from:
'''Saturday, December 18th and Thursday, December 23rd we are fully committed and unable to accept any more reservations.  We will be closed Christmas Day, December 25th.  New Year's Eve is fully committed, and we will be taking a New Year break and will be closed January 1st until we re-open for our regular service Thursday, January 20th.'''
'''Thursday, December 23rd and Friday, December 24th, we are fully committed and unable to accept any more reservations.  We will be closed Christmas Day, December 25th.  New Year's Eve is fully committed, and we will be taking a New Year break and will be closed January 1st until we re-open for our regular service Thursday, January 20th.'''
Changed lines 6-7 from:
'''Friday, December 17th and Saturday, December 18th we are fully committed and unable to accept any more reservations.  We will be closed Christmas Day, December 25th.  New Year's Eve openings are extremely limited, and we will be taking a New Year break and will be closed January 1st until we re-open for our regular service Thursday, January 20th.'''
'''Saturday, December 18th and Thursday, December 23rd we are fully committed and unable to accept any more reservations.  We will be closed Christmas Day, December 25th.  New Year's Eve is fully committed, and we will be taking a New Year break and will be closed January 1st until we re-open for our regular service Thursday, January 20th.'''
Changed line 12 from:
'''The windows for reservations are 5pm-6pm and 7:30pm-8:30pm; it is vital that if you have an early reservation that you show up on time;  late arrivals may lose their reservation, as we are providing a relaxed window for dining, and enough time for us to clean the area before the subsequent reservation.  For the time being, reservations are required, the limits for our seating capacity is a challenge to manage to be able to accommodate as many opportunities as possible.  Our wine list can be viewed on this link, Attach:WineList.pdf, our Signature Cocktails on this link, our After Dinner/Cordials/Whiskey's are here: Attach:Spirits_and_Cordials.pdf and Attach:Signature_Cocktails.pdf as we are unable to provide a single use copy, as the list is quite extensive. We ask for your patience and understanding as we're having to adapt and learn from these new processes.'''
'''The windows for reservations are 5pm-6pm and 7:30pm-8:30pm; it is vital that if you have an early reservation that you show up on time;  late arrivals may lose their reservation, as we are providing a relaxed window for dining, and enough time for us to clean the area before the subsequent reservation.  Reservations are required, the limits for our seating capacity is a challenge to manage to be able to accommodate as many opportunities as possible.  Our wine list can be viewed on this link, Attach:WineList.pdf, our Signature Cocktails on this link, our After Dinner/Cordials/Whiskey's are here: Attach:Spirits_and_Cordials.pdf and Attach:Signature_Cocktails.pdf as we are unable to provide a single use copy, as the list is quite extensive. '''
Changed line 6 from:
'''Friday, November 20th and Saturday, November 21st we are fully committed and unable to accept any more reservations.  We will be closed Thursday, November 25th, availability for Friday, November 26th and Saturday, November 27th is very limited. We apologize for the inconvenience.'''
'''Friday, December 17th and Saturday, December 18th we are fully committed and unable to accept any more reservations.  We will be closed Christmas Day, December 25th.  New Year's Eve openings are extremely limited, and we will be taking a New Year break and will be closed January 1st until we re-open for our regular service Thursday, January 20th.'''
Changed line 6 from:
'''Thursday, November 18th, we are fully committed and not accepting any reservations for that evening.  Thursday, November 25th, we will only be open for Thanksgiving Turkey To-Go for pre-ordered Turkey Dinners.  For more details, follow this link: [[ThanksgivingLunch | '+''Thanksgiving Lunch To-Go''+' ]] Saturday, November 27th, we are extremely limited for availability. We apologize for the inconvenience.'''
'''Friday, November 20th and Saturday, November 21st we are fully committed and unable to accept any more reservations.  We will be closed Thursday, November 25th, availability for Friday, November 26th and Saturday, November 27th is very limited. We apologize for the inconvenience.'''
Changed line 6 from:
'''Thursday, November 25th, we will only be open for Thanksgiving Turkey To-Go for pre-ordered Turkey DinnersFor more details, follow this link: [[ThanksgivingLunch | '+''Thanksgiving Lunch To-Go''+' ]] We apologize for the inconvenience.'''
'''Thursday, November 18th, we are fully committed and not accepting any reservations for that eveningThursday, November 25th, we will only be open for Thanksgiving Turkey To-Go for pre-ordered Turkey Dinners.  For more details, follow this link: [[ThanksgivingLunch | '+''Thanksgiving Lunch To-Go''+' ]] Saturday, November 27th, we are extremely limited for availability. We apologize for the inconvenience.'''
Changed line 6 from:
'''We will be closed on Friday, October 29th and Saturday, October 30th.  Thursday, November 25th, we will only be open for Thanksgiving Turkey To-Go for pre-ordered Turkey Dinners.  For more details, follow this link: [[ThanksgivingLunch | '+''Thanksgiving Lunch To-Go''+' ]] We apologize for the inconvenience.'''
'''Thursday, November 25th, we will only be open for Thanksgiving Turkey To-Go for pre-ordered Turkey Dinners.  For more details, follow this link: [[ThanksgivingLunch | '+''Thanksgiving Lunch To-Go''+' ]] We apologize for the inconvenience.'''
Changed line 12 from:
'''The windows for reservations are 5pm-6pm and 7:30pm-8:30pm; it is vital that if you have an early reservation that you show up on time;  late arrivals may lose their reservation, as we are providing a relaxed window for dining, and enough time for us to clean the area before the subsequent reservation.  For the time being, reservations are required, the limits for our seating capacity is a challenge to manage to be able to accommodate as many opportunities as possible.  Our wine list can be viewed on this link, Attach:Wine_List.pdf, our Signature Cocktails on this link, our After Dinner/Cordials/Whiskey's are here: Attach:Spirits_and_Cordials.pdf and Attach:Signature_Cocktails.pdf as we are unable to provide a single use copy, as the list is quite extensive. We ask for your patience and understanding as we're having to adapt and learn from these new processes.'''
'''The windows for reservations are 5pm-6pm and 7:30pm-8:30pm; it is vital that if you have an early reservation that you show up on time;  late arrivals may lose their reservation, as we are providing a relaxed window for dining, and enough time for us to clean the area before the subsequent reservation.  For the time being, reservations are required, the limits for our seating capacity is a challenge to manage to be able to accommodate as many opportunities as possible.  Our wine list can be viewed on this link, Attach:WineList.pdf, our Signature Cocktails on this link, our After Dinner/Cordials/Whiskey's are here: Attach:Spirits_and_Cordials.pdf and Attach:Signature_Cocktails.pdf as we are unable to provide a single use copy, as the list is quite extensive. We ask for your patience and understanding as we're having to adapt and learn from these new processes.'''
Changed line 37 from:
Changed line 6 from:
'''We will be closed on Friday, October 29th and Saturday, October 30th.  We apologize for the inconvenience.'''
'''We will be closed on Friday, October 29th and Saturday, October 30th.  Thursday, November 25th, we will only be open for Thanksgiving Turkey To-Go for pre-ordered Turkey Dinners.  For more details, follow this link: [[ThanksgivingLunch | '+''Thanksgiving Lunch To-Go''+' ]] We apologize for the inconvenience.'''
Added lines 4-6:

!!Adjustments to our availability
'''We will be closed on Friday, October 29th and Saturday, October 30th.  We apologize for the inconvenience.'''
Deleted lines 3-5:

!! Friday, September 10th & Saturday, September 11th - extremely limited availability
'''This weekend, four of our staff members are giving their last farewell to their father & mother (grandfather & grandmother), after they lost their battle with Covid-19 within the last week and a half.  Due to the staff shortage, we are extremely limited in our ability to accommodate any more reservations, if we aren't already sold out.  We apologize for the inconvenience.'''
Changed line 6 from:
'''This weekend, four of our staff members are giving their last farewell to their father & mother (grandfather & grandmother), after losing their battle with Covid-19 within the last week and a half.  Due to the staff shortage, we are extremely limited in our ability to accommodate any more reservations, if we aren't already sold out.  We apologize for the inconvenience.'''
'''This weekend, four of our staff members are giving their last farewell to their father & mother (grandfather & grandmother), after they lost their battle with Covid-19 within the last week and a half.  Due to the staff shortage, we are extremely limited in our ability to accommodate any more reservations, if we aren't already sold out.  We apologize for the inconvenience.'''
Changed line 6 from:
'''This weekend, four of our staff members are giving their last farewell to their father & mother (grandfather & grandmother), after losing their battle with Covid-19 within the last week and a half.  Due to the staff shortage, we are extremely limited in our ability to accommodate any more reservations, if we haven't already booked up.  We apologize for the inconvenience.'''
'''This weekend, four of our staff members are giving their last farewell to their father & mother (grandfather & grandmother), after losing their battle with Covid-19 within the last week and a half.  Due to the staff shortage, we are extremely limited in our ability to accommodate any more reservations, if we aren't already sold out.  We apologize for the inconvenience.'''
Changed lines 6-7 from:
'''This weekend, four of our staff members are giving their last farewell to their father & mother (grandfather & grandmother), after losing their battle with Covid-19 within the last week and a half.
 Due to the staff shortage, we are extremely limited in our ability to accommodate any more reservations, if we haven't already booked up.  We apologize for the inconvenience.'''
'''This weekend, four of our staff members are giving their last farewell to their father & mother (grandfather & grandmother), after losing their battle with Covid-19 within the last week and a half.  Due to the staff shortage, we are extremely limited in our ability to accommodate any more reservations, if we haven't already booked up.  We apologize for the inconvenience.'''
Added lines 4-7:

!! Friday, September 10th & Saturday, September 11th - extremely limited availability
'''This weekend, four of our staff members are giving their last farewell to their father & mother (grandfather & grandmother), after losing their battle with Covid-19 within the last week and a half.
 Due to the staff shortage, we are extremely limited in our ability to accommodate any more reservations, if we haven't already booked up.  We apologize for the inconvenience.'''
Deleted lines 15-18:

[[TuesdayEveningJazz | '+''Live Jazz Piano''+' '+''Tuesday Evenings 6:30-8:30 pm with Chester Daigle''+']] '''Regrettably, Phase 2 does not allow indoor live entertainment; upon the relaxation of this directive, we will welcome back Chester & Jairus!!!'''

August 23, 2021, at 05:39 PM by -
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July 07, 2021, at 10:58 AM by -
July 07, 2021, at 10:57 AM by -
Deleted lines 3-5:

!! July 1st-3rd CLOSED
'''We are taking a short break approaching the July 4th holiday.  We will resume our regular dining service Thursday, July 8th.  For reservations, please call 337.439.8364 and leave a message.  We will call to confirm. Have a safe and Happy July 4th!'''
June 27, 2021, at 03:57 PM by -
Changed lines 6-7 from:
'''We are taking a short break approaching the July 4th holiday.  We will resume our regular dining service Thursday, July 8th.  For reservations, please call 337.439.8364 and leave a message.  We will call to confirm. 
 Have a safe and Happy July 4th!'''
'''We are taking a short break approaching the July 4th holiday.  We will resume our regular dining service Thursday, July 8th.  For reservations, please call 337.439.8364 and leave a message.  We will call to confirm. Have a safe and Happy July 4th!'''
June 27, 2021, at 03:57 PM by -
Added lines 4-7:

!! July 1st-3rd CLOSED
'''We are taking a short break approaching the July 4th holiday.  We will resume our regular dining service Thursday, July 8th.  For reservations, please call 337.439.8364 and leave a message.  We will call to confirm.
 Have a safe and Happy July 4th!'''
June 17, 2021, at 03:09 PM by -
Changed line 8 from:
!! Limited dining inside is available...masks are recommended upon entry and exit, once you are seated at your table, your mask may be removed.
!! Limited dining inside is available...masks are recommended upon entry and exit.
June 17, 2021, at 03:08 PM by -
Changed line 8 from:
!! Limited dining inside is available...masks are now required upon entry and exit, once you are seated at your table, your mask may be removed.
!! Limited dining inside is available...masks are recommended upon entry and exit, once you are seated at your table, your mask may be removed.
April 13, 2021, at 10:11 PM by -
Changed line 34 from:
[[Hiring_Application | '+''Hiring Application''+' '+''click on this link to fill out a job application''+']]
April 13, 2021, at 10:10 PM by -
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[[Hiring_Application | '+''Hiring Application''+' '+''click on this link to fill out a job application''+']]
Deleted lines 3-5:

'''Due to the complications as a result of the recent freeze, we will suspend business operations this week, we will be closed, Thursday 2/18, Friday 2/19 and Saturday, 2/20.  Low water pressure does not allow us to properly meet our standards for our guests and staff.  We are optimistic this will improve and allow us to resume operation next week.  We apologize for the inconvenience.'''
Changed lines 5-6 from:
!! Valentine's Weekend
'''Friday, February 12th, Saturday, February 13th and Sunday, February 14th, we are fully committed unless we have a cancellation.  For those who have made reservations, the menu we will be presenting:  [[ValentinesDay | '+''Valentine's Dinner''+' '+''Click here to view the menu''+']]  We will be able to accommodate To-Go orders for Thursday and Friday.  Orders on Friday should be called in by 3pm, as our ability to fulfill orders after we commence dinner service may experience an extended delay for pickup times.'''
'''Due to the complications as a result of the recent freeze, we will suspend business operations this week, we will be closed, Thursday 2/18, Friday 2/19 and Saturday, 2/20.  Low water pressure does not allow us to properly meet our standards for our guests and staff.  We are optimistic this will improve and allow us to resume operation next week.  We apologize for the inconvenience.'''
February 09, 2021, at 11:11 PM by -
Changed line 6 from:
'''Friday, February 12th, Saturday, February 13th and Sunday, February 14th, we are fully committed unless we have a cancellation.  For those who have made reservations, the menu we will be presenting:  [[ValentinesDay | '+''Valentine's Dinner''+' '+''Click here to view the menu''+']]'''
'''Friday, February 12th, Saturday, February 13th and Sunday, February 14th, we are fully committed unless we have a cancellation.  For those who have made reservations, the menu we will be presenting:  [[ValentinesDay | '+''Valentine's Dinner''+' '+''Click here to view the menu''+']]  We will be able to accommodate To-Go orders for Thursday and Friday.  Orders on Friday should be called in by 3pm, as our ability to fulfill orders after we commence dinner service may experience an extended delay for pickup times.'''
February 09, 2021, at 10:52 PM by -
Changed line 6 from:
'''Valentine's Day is nigh, Saturday, February 13th and Sunday, February 14th, we are fully committed unless we have a cancellation.  For those who have made reservations, we have finally completed the menu we will be preseenting.  [[ValentinesDay | '+''Valentine's Dinner''+' '+''Click here to view the menu for Valentine's Dinner''+']]'''
'''Friday, February 12th, Saturday, February 13th and Sunday, February 14th, we are fully committed unless we have a cancellation.  For those who have made reservations, the menu we will be presenting:  [[ValentinesDay | '+''Valentine's Dinner''+' '+''Click here to view the menu''+']]'''
February 08, 2021, at 11:53 PM by -
Changed line 6 from:
'''Valentine's Day will be here quickly.  We typically become fully committed very early, so the sooner the better!!!  While we have yet to formulate the menu for this year, last year's can be used as an example of what we're going to present.  Saturday, February 13th, we will present the same menu, with the option of choosing three or four courses, Sunday, February 14th, will be all four courses only.  The following hyperlink is our menu from last year by which you can use as a guideline as to what we typically present for Valentine's.  [[ValentinesDay | '+''Valentine's Dinner''+' '+''EXAMPLE ONLY!!! menu is yet to be determined!''+']] At this time, with social distancing being followed, we anticipate filling up sooner as our capacity is limited.'''
'''Valentine's Day is nigh, Saturday, February 13th and Sunday, February 14th, we are fully committed unless we have a cancellation.  For those who have made reservations, we have finally completed the menu we will be preseenting.  [[ValentinesDay | '+''Valentine's Dinner''+' '+''Click here to view the menu for Valentine's Dinner''+']]'''
February 06, 2021, at 01:10 AM by -
Deleted lines 3-5:

!! Friday, January 29th
'''We are fully booked for Friday, January 29th.'''
January 20, 2021, at 11:07 PM by -
Changed line 36 from:
%center%'+'''Dinner served Tuesday through Saturday'''+'\\
%center%'+'''Dinner served Thursday through Saturday'''+'\\
January 12, 2021, at 06:24 PM by -
Added lines 4-6:

!! Friday, January 29th
'''We are fully booked for Friday, January 29th.'''
January 11, 2021, at 10:02 PM by -
Changed line 6 from:
'''Valentine's Day will be here quickly.  We typically become fully committed very early, so the sooner the better!!!  While we have yet to formulate the menu for this year, last year's can be used as an example of what we're going to present.  Saturday, February 13th, we will present the same menu, with the option of choosing three or four courses, Sunday, February 14th, will be all four courses only.  The following hyperlink is our menu from last year by which you can use as a guideline as to what we typically present for Valentine's.  [[ValentinesDay | '+''Valentine's Dinner''+' '+''EXAMPLE ONLY!!! menu is yet to be determined!''+']] And at this time, with social distancing being followed, we anticipate filling up sooner as our capacity is limited.'''
'''Valentine's Day will be here quickly.  We typically become fully committed very early, so the sooner the better!!!  While we have yet to formulate the menu for this year, last year's can be used as an example of what we're going to present.  Saturday, February 13th, we will present the same menu, with the option of choosing three or four courses, Sunday, February 14th, will be all four courses only.  The following hyperlink is our menu from last year by which you can use as a guideline as to what we typically present for Valentine's.  [[ValentinesDay | '+''Valentine's Dinner''+' '+''EXAMPLE ONLY!!! menu is yet to be determined!''+']] At this time, with social distancing being followed, we anticipate filling up sooner as our capacity is limited.'''
January 11, 2021, at 10:01 PM by -
Changed line 6 from:
'''Valentine's Day will be here quickly.  We typically become fully committed very early, so the sooner the better!!!  While we have yet to formulate the menu for this year, last year's can be used as an example of what we're going to present.  Saturday, February 13th, we will present the same menu, with the option of choosing three or four courses, Sunday, February 14th, will be all four courses only.  At this time we have not been able to determine if Chester Daigle will be playing for Valentine's dinner.  The following hyperlink is our menu from last year by which you can use as a guideline as to what we typically present for Valentine's.  [[ValentinesDay | '+''Valentine's Dinner''+' '+''EXAMPLE ONLY!!! menu is yet to be determined!''+']] And at this time, with social distancing being followed, we anticipate filling up sooner as our capacity is limited.'''
'''Valentine's Day will be here quickly.  We typically become fully committed very early, so the sooner the better!!!  While we have yet to formulate the menu for this year, last year's can be used as an example of what we're going to present.  Saturday, February 13th, we will present the same menu, with the option of choosing three or four courses, Sunday, February 14th, will be all four courses only.  The following hyperlink is our menu from last year by which you can use as a guideline as to what we typically present for Valentine's.  [[ValentinesDay | '+''Valentine's Dinner''+' '+''EXAMPLE ONLY!!! menu is yet to be determined!''+']] And at this time, with social distancing being followed, we anticipate filling up sooner as our capacity is limited.'''
January 11, 2021, at 10:00 PM by -
Changed line 6 from:
'''Valentine's Day will be here quickly.  We typically become fully committed very early, so the sooner the better!!!  While we have yet to formulate the menu for this year, last year's can be used as an example of what we're going to present.  Saturday, February 13th, we will present the same menu, with the option of choosing three or four courses, Sunday, February 14th, will be all four courses only.  At this time we have not been able to determine if Chester Daigle will be playing for Valentine's dinner.  The following hyperlink is our menu from last year by which you can use as a guideline as to what we typically present for Valentine's.  [[ValentinesDay | '+''Valentine's Dinner''+' '+''Example only, menu has yet to be determined!''+']]And at this time, with social distancing being followed, we anticipate filling up sooner as our capacity is limited.'''
'''Valentine's Day will be here quickly.  We typically become fully committed very early, so the sooner the better!!!  While we have yet to formulate the menu for this year, last year's can be used as an example of what we're going to present.  Saturday, February 13th, we will present the same menu, with the option of choosing three or four courses, Sunday, February 14th, will be all four courses only.  At this time we have not been able to determine if Chester Daigle will be playing for Valentine's dinner.  The following hyperlink is our menu from last year by which you can use as a guideline as to what we typically present for Valentine's.  [[ValentinesDay | '+''Valentine's Dinner''+' '+''EXAMPLE ONLY!!! menu is yet to be determined!''+']] And at this time, with social distancing being followed, we anticipate filling up sooner as our capacity is limited.'''
January 11, 2021, at 09:59 PM by -
Added lines 4-6:

!! Valentine's Weekend
'''Valentine's Day will be here quickly.  We typically become fully committed very early, so the sooner the better!!!  While we have yet to formulate the menu for this year, last year's can be used as an example of what we're going to present.  Saturday, February 13th, we will present the same menu, with the option of choosing three or four courses, Sunday, February 14th, will be all four courses only.  At this time we have not been able to determine if Chester Daigle will be playing for Valentine's dinner.  The following hyperlink is our menu from last year by which you can use as a guideline as to what we typically present for Valentine's.  [[ValentinesDay | '+''Valentine's Dinner''+' '+''Example only, menu has yet to be determined!''+']]And at this time, with social distancing being followed, we anticipate filling up sooner as our capacity is limited.'''
January 11, 2021, at 04:44 PM by -
Deleted lines 3-5:

!! New Year Pause
''' We will be closed January 1st through January 13th.  We will resume our Post Laura business hours on Thursday, January 14th, opening at 5pm. Happy New Year!'''
January 03, 2021, at 12:04 AM by -
Changed line 12 from:
'''The windows for reservations are 5pm-6pm and 7:30pm-8:30pm; it is vital that if you have an early reservation that you show up on time;  late arrivals may lose their reservation, as we are providing a relaxed window for dining, and enough time for us to clean the area before the subsequent reservation.  For the time being, reservations are required, the limits for our seating capacity is a challenge to manage to be able to accommodate as many opportunities as possible.  Our wine list can be viewed on this link, Attach:WineList.pdf, our Signature Cocktails on this link, our After Dinner/Cordials/Whiskey's are here: Attach:Spirits_and_Cordials.pdf and Attach:Signature_Cocktails.pdf as we are unable to provide a single use copy, as the list is quite extensive. We ask for your patience and understanding as we're having to adapt and learn from these new processes.'''
'''The windows for reservations are 5pm-6pm and 7:30pm-8:30pm; it is vital that if you have an early reservation that you show up on time;  late arrivals may lose their reservation, as we are providing a relaxed window for dining, and enough time for us to clean the area before the subsequent reservation.  For the time being, reservations are required, the limits for our seating capacity is a challenge to manage to be able to accommodate as many opportunities as possible.  Our wine list can be viewed on this link, Attach:Wine_List.pdf, our Signature Cocktails on this link, our After Dinner/Cordials/Whiskey's are here: Attach:Spirits_and_Cordials.pdf and Attach:Signature_Cocktails.pdf as we are unable to provide a single use copy, as the list is quite extensive. We ask for your patience and understanding as we're having to adapt and learn from these new processes.'''
January 01, 2021, at 10:31 AM by -
Deleted lines 3-7:

!! Suddenly Broken Link
''' So I've noticed that despite Suddenlink's "repairs...." our phone lines are not consistent.  In the event you call the restaurant phone and it's not working as expected, utilize our Facebook page or by which to communicate.  Just be aware, that cell phones and kitchens aren't always compatible, so if you utilize these means, realize that I can't always be over my phone to respond.  Communicating early is strongly encouraged...I can't cook/bake and watch my phone all the time...the earlier you communicate, the likelier I'll be able to respond.  Last minute attempts to communicate are likely to be missed or responded to after the fact.  I wish it could be different, but it's what we're working with...pathetic at best....not our desire...pining for improvements....'''

[[NewYearsEve | '+''New Year's Eve Dinner''+' '+''Thursday, December 31st''+']] '''Click on the link for more details.  We are filling up quickly, and calling early is recommended.'''
December 27, 2020, at 05:00 AM by -
Changed lines 5-6 from:
!! Sudden Broken Link
''' Our phone connectivity is not present, call 337.244.3722 for reservations or information.  Sorry for the inconvenience!'''
!! Suddenly Broken Link
''' So I've noticed that despite Suddenlink's "repairs...." our phone lines are not consistent.  In the event you call the restaurant phone and it's not working as expected, utilize our Facebook page or by which to communicate.  Just be aware, that cell phones and kitchens aren't always compatible, so if you utilize these means, realize that I can't always be over my phone to respond.  Communicating early is strongly encouraged...I can't cook/bake and watch my phone all the time...the earlier you communicate, the likelier I'll be able to respond.  Last minute attempts to communicate are likely to be missed or responded to after the fact.  I wish it could be different, but it's what we're working with...pathetic at best....not our desire...pining for improvements....'''
Added lines 4-6:

!! Sudden Broken Link
''' Our phone connectivity is not present, call 337.244.3722 for reservations or information.  Sorry for the inconvenience!'''
December 26, 2020, at 08:19 PM by -
Changed line 14 from:
'''The windows for reservations are 5pm-6pm and 7:30pm-8:30pm; it is vital that if you have an early reservation that you show up on time;  late arrivals may lose their reservation, as we are providing a relaxed window for dining, and enough time for us to clean the area before the subsequent reservation.  For the time being, reservations are required, the limits for our seating capacity is a challenge to manage to be able to accommodate as many opportunities as possible.  Our wine list can be viewed on this link, Attach:Wine_List.pdf, our Signature Cocktails on this link, our After Dinner/Cordials/Whiskey's are here: Attach:Spirits_and_Cordials.pdf and Attach:Signature_Cocktails.pdf as we are unable to provide a single use copy, as the list is quite extensive. We ask for your patience and understanding as we're having to adapt and learn from these new processes.'''
'''The windows for reservations are 5pm-6pm and 7:30pm-8:30pm; it is vital that if you have an early reservation that you show up on time;  late arrivals may lose their reservation, as we are providing a relaxed window for dining, and enough time for us to clean the area before the subsequent reservation.  For the time being, reservations are required, the limits for our seating capacity is a challenge to manage to be able to accommodate as many opportunities as possible.  Our wine list can be viewed on this link, Attach:WineList.pdf, our Signature Cocktails on this link, our After Dinner/Cordials/Whiskey's are here: Attach:Spirits_and_Cordials.pdf and Attach:Signature_Cocktails.pdf as we are unable to provide a single use copy, as the list is quite extensive. We ask for your patience and understanding as we're having to adapt and learn from these new processes.'''
Deleted lines 4-6:
!! Gift certificates
'''An ideal way to send a special gift for birthday, anniversary or a job well done.  Call us in advance and we'll have it ready when you arrive, or, if you're out of town, we can arrange to mail it.  337.439.8364 We are able to provide gift certificates Tuesdays, Wednesdays and prior to opening Thursday, Friday and Saturday - calling ahead is strongly encouraged!!!'''

Added lines 6-11:

!! New Year Pause
''' We will be closed January 1st through January 13th.  We will resume our Post Laura business hours on Thursday, January 14th, opening at 5pm. Happy New Year!'''

!! Gift certificates
'''An ideal way to send a special gift for birthday, anniversary or a job well done.  Call us in advance and we'll have it ready when you arrive, or, if you're out of town, we can arrange to mail it.  337.439.8364 We are able to provide gift certificates Tuesdays, Wednesdays and prior to opening Thursday, Friday and Saturday - calling ahead is strongly encouraged!!!'''
Deleted lines 6-7:

[[ChristmasEveDinner | '+''Christmas Eve Dinner''+' '+''Thursday, December 24th''+']] '''Click on the link for more details.  We are filling up quickly, and calling early is recommended.'''
December 15, 2020, at 10:05 PM by -
Added lines 5-11:
!! Gift certificates
'''An ideal way to send a special gift for birthday, anniversary or a job well done.  Call us in advance and we'll have it ready when you arrive, or, if you're out of town, we can arrange to mail it.  337.439.8364 We are able to provide gift certificates Tuesdays, Wednesdays and prior to opening Thursday, Friday and Saturday - calling ahead is strongly encouraged!!!'''

[[ChristmasEveDinner | '+''Christmas Eve Dinner''+' '+''Thursday, December 24th''+']] '''Click on the link for more details.  We are filling up quickly, and calling early is recommended.'''

[[NewYearsEve | '+''New Year's Eve Dinner''+' '+''Thursday, December 31st''+']] '''Click on the link for more details.  We are filling up quickly, and calling early is recommended.'''

Deleted lines 20-21:
!! Gift certificates
'''An ideal way to send a special gift for birthday, anniversary or a job well done.  Call us in advance and we'll have it ready when you arrive, or, if you're out of town, we can arrange to mail it.  337.439.8364'''
November 28, 2020, at 07:31 PM by -
Changed line 6 from:
'''The windows for reservations are 5pm-6pm and 7:30pm-8:30pm; it is vital that if you have an early reservation that you show up on time;  late arrivals may lose their reservation, as we are providing a relaxed window for dining, and enough time for us to clean the area before the subsequent reservation.  For the time being, reservations are required, the limits for our seating capacity is a challenge to manage to be able to accommodate as many opportunities as possible.  Our wine list can be viewed on this link, Attach:Wine_List.pdf, our Signature Cocktails on this link, our After Dinner/Cordials/Whiskey's are here: Attach:Cordials_Spirits and Attach:Signature_Cocktails.pdf as we are unable to provide a single use copy, as the list is quite extensive. We ask for your patience and understanding as we're having to adapt and learn from these new processes.'''
'''The windows for reservations are 5pm-6pm and 7:30pm-8:30pm; it is vital that if you have an early reservation that you show up on time;  late arrivals may lose their reservation, as we are providing a relaxed window for dining, and enough time for us to clean the area before the subsequent reservation.  For the time being, reservations are required, the limits for our seating capacity is a challenge to manage to be able to accommodate as many opportunities as possible.  Our wine list can be viewed on this link, Attach:Wine_List.pdf, our Signature Cocktails on this link, our After Dinner/Cordials/Whiskey's are here: Attach:Spirits_and_Cordials.pdf and Attach:Signature_Cocktails.pdf as we are unable to provide a single use copy, as the list is quite extensive. We ask for your patience and understanding as we're having to adapt and learn from these new processes.'''
November 28, 2020, at 07:30 PM by -
Changed line 6 from:
'''The windows for reservations are 5pm-6pm and 7:30pm-8:30pm; it is vital that if you have an early reservation that you show up on time;  late arrivals may lose their reservation, as we are providing a relaxed window for dining, and enough time for us to clean the area before the subsequent reservation.  For the time being, reservations are required, the limits for our seating capacity is a challenge to manage to be able to accommodate as many opportunities as possible.  Our wine list can be viewed on this link, Attach:Wine_List.pdf and our Signature Cocktails on this link, Attach:Signature_Cocktails.pdf as we are unable to provide a single use copy, as the list is quite extensive. We ask for your patience and understanding as we're having to adapt and learn from these new processes.'''
'''The windows for reservations are 5pm-6pm and 7:30pm-8:30pm; it is vital that if you have an early reservation that you show up on time;  late arrivals may lose their reservation, as we are providing a relaxed window for dining, and enough time for us to clean the area before the subsequent reservation.  For the time being, reservations are required, the limits for our seating capacity is a challenge to manage to be able to accommodate as many opportunities as possible.  Our wine list can be viewed on this link, Attach:Wine_List.pdf, our Signature Cocktails on this link, our After Dinner/Cordials/Whiskey's are here: Attach:Cordials_Spirits and Attach:Signature_Cocktails.pdf as we are unable to provide a single use copy, as the list is quite extensive. We ask for your patience and understanding as we're having to adapt and learn from these new processes.'''
November 28, 2020, at 07:27 PM by -
Deleted lines 3-4:

!! Credit Card Processing Ability: Our ability to process credit cards is limited and we may ask for more details regarding your credit card in order to be able to process.  Cash and Checks with I.D.'s are welcome.
Deleted lines 3-5:

[[ThanksgivingLunch | '+''THANKSGIVING TO GO!''+']] '''We are offering a Thanksgiving Dinner to go, cooked and ready to eat for pickup on Thursday, November 26th, between 11-11:30am.  Orders must be received by Thursday, November 19th.  Given the challenges that Laura and Delta have wreaked upon us, our ability to manage late/last minute orders is extremely limited and not guaranteed.'''

November 10, 2020, at 04:36 PM by -
Added line 5:
[[ThanksgivingLunch | '+''THANKSGIVING TO GO!''+']] '''We are offering a Thanksgiving Dinner to go, cooked and ready to eat for pickup on Thursday, November 26th, between 11-11:30am.  Orders must be received by Thursday, November 19th.  Given the challenges that Laura and Delta have wreaked upon us, our ability to manage late/last minute orders is extremely limited and not guaranteed.'''
November 10, 2020, at 04:31 PM by -
Changed line 14 from:
'''Our To-Go menu is still available, and any items from our dinner menu are also available to go.'''\\
'''Our To-Go menu is still available, and any items from our dinner menu are also available to go.'''
November 10, 2020, at 04:30 PM by -
Changed lines 5-8 from:
!! Credit Card Processing Ability: Due to the poor performance of SuddenlDeadLink, our ability to process credit cards has been hemorrhaged, our Tinker Toy setup has somewhat worked, but can come crashing down without any warning, causing delays in processing credit cards.  While we are able to process credit cards, we may not be able to do so at the time of payment.  To pay with a credit card, we will need not only the pertinent details on the credit card, but also the billing address.  In the event we are unable to process your card at the time of payment, it is likely that we will process at another location that has internet access.  All protocols are maintained, and there is no risk of your information being stored in a location which is vulnerable to cyber attack....lord knows, we have no internet, and the means by which the processing is done is extremely secure, and stores no details after processing.  That being said, in lieu of credit cards, we are encouraging payment by cash or check to alleviate the headache, but credit cards are still accepted. Thank you for your understanding.

!! Hurricane Laura & Delta: We have re-opened for dine-in and to-go.  Our current operating window is Thursday through Saturday, 5:00pm to 9:30pm.  Reservation windows are 5pm/5:30pm/6:00pm and 7:30pm/7pm/8:30pm.  We ask that to-go orders be placed early, as our ability to accommodate to-go orders once we've started in house dining may be limited, if unavailable.  Once we are able to catch up on repairs and maintenance, we anticipate expanding both the menu and our operating hours/days.  Phone lines appear to be working for the time being, if there are any connectivity problems, utilize email - or message us via Facebook; calling the restaurant is recommended as a first attempt

!! Credit Card Processing Ability: Our ability to process credit cards is limited and we may ask for more details regarding your credit card in order to be able to process.  Cash and Checks with I.D.'s are welcome.
Changed line 10 from:
'''We have re-opened our dining room for 50% seating capacity (provided social distancing is achievable.)  The windows for reservations are 5pm-6pm and 7:30pm-8:30pm; it is vital that if you have an early reservation that you show up on time;  late arrivals may lose their reservation, as we are providing a relaxed window for dining, and enough time for us to clean the area before the subsequent reservation.  Early arrivals for the second seating may need to wait outside or in your vehicle until the table is ready, we are unable to accommodate more than one party in the foyer.  For the time being, reservations are required, the limits for our seating capacity is a challenge to manage to be able to accommodate as many opportunities as possible.  Our wine list can be viewed on this link, Attach:Wine_List.pdf and our Signature Cocktails on this link, Attach:Signature_Cocktails.pdf as we are unable to provide a single use copy, as the list is quite extensive. We ask for your patience and understanding as we're having to adapt and learn from these new processes.'''
'''The windows for reservations are 5pm-6pm and 7:30pm-8:30pm; it is vital that if you have an early reservation that you show up on time;  late arrivals may lose their reservation, as we are providing a relaxed window for dining, and enough time for us to clean the area before the subsequent reservation.  For the time being, reservations are required, the limits for our seating capacity is a challenge to manage to be able to accommodate as many opportunities as possible.  Our wine list can be viewed on this link, Attach:Wine_List.pdf and our Signature Cocktails on this link, Attach:Signature_Cocktails.pdf as we are unable to provide a single use copy, as the list is quite extensive. We ask for your patience and understanding as we're having to adapt and learn from these new processes.'''
October 22, 2020, at 01:00 PM by -
Changed line 5 from:
!! Credit Card Processing Ability: Due to the poor performance of SuddenlDeadLink, our ability to process credit cards has been hemorrhaged, our Tinker Toy setup has somewhat worked, but can come crashing down without any warning, causing delays in processing credit cards.  While we are able to process credit cards, we may not be able to do so at the time of payment.  We will need not only the pertinent details on the credit card, but also the billing address for the card. In the event we are unable to process your card at the time of payment, it is likely that we will process at another location that has internet access.  All protocols are maintained, and there is no risk of your information being stored in a location which is vulnerable to cyber attack....lord knows, we have no internet, how can they access?, we can't....  Anyway, in lieu of credit cards, we are encouraging payment by cash or check to alleviate the headache, but credit cards are still accepted.
!! Credit Card Processing Ability: Due to the poor performance of SuddenlDeadLink, our ability to process credit cards has been hemorrhaged, our Tinker Toy setup has somewhat worked, but can come crashing down without any warning, causing delays in processing credit cards.  While we are able to process credit cards, we may not be able to do so at the time of payment.  To pay with a credit card, we will need not only the pertinent details on the credit card, but also the billing address.  In the event we are unable to process your card at the time of payment, it is likely that we will process at another location that has internet access.  All protocols are maintained, and there is no risk of your information being stored in a location which is vulnerable to cyber attack....lord knows, we have no internet, and the means by which the processing is done is extremely secure, and stores no details after processing.  That being said, in lieu of credit cards, we are encouraging payment by cash or check to alleviate the headache, but credit cards are still accepted. Thank you for your understanding.
October 22, 2020, at 12:57 PM by -
Added lines 4-5:

!! Credit Card Processing Ability: Due to the poor performance of SuddenlDeadLink, our ability to process credit cards has been hemorrhaged, our Tinker Toy setup has somewhat worked, but can come crashing down without any warning, causing delays in processing credit cards.  While we are able to process credit cards, we may not be able to do so at the time of payment.  We will need not only the pertinent details on the credit card, but also the billing address for the card.  In the event we are unable to process your card at the time of payment, it is likely that we will process at another location that has internet access.  All protocols are maintained, and there is no risk of your information being stored in a location which is vulnerable to cyber attack....lord knows, we have no internet, how can they access?, we can't....  Anyway, in lieu of credit cards, we are encouraging payment by cash or check to alleviate the headache, but credit cards are still accepted.
October 13, 2020, at 05:00 PM by -
Changed line 5 from:
!! Hurricane Laura & Delta: We have re-opened for dine-in and to-go.  Our current operating window is Thursday through Saturday, 5:00pm to 9:30pm.  We ask that to-go orders be placed early, as our ability to accommodate to-go orders once we've started in house dining may be limited, if unavailable.  Once we are able to catch up on repairs and maintenance, we anticipate expanding both the menu and our operating hours/days.  Phone lines appear to be working for the time being, if there are any connectivity problems, utilize email - or message us via Facebook; calling the restaurant is recommended as a first attempt.
!! Hurricane Laura & Delta: We have re-opened for dine-in and to-go.  Our current operating window is Thursday through Saturday, 5:00pm to 9:30pm.  Reservation windows are 5pm/5:30pm/6:00pm and 7:30pm/7pm/8:30pm.  We ask that to-go orders be placed early, as our ability to accommodate to-go orders once we've started in house dining may be limited, if unavailable.  Once we are able to catch up on repairs and maintenance, we anticipate expanding both the menu and our operating hours/days.  Phone lines appear to be working for the time being, if there are any connectivity problems, utilize email - or message us via Facebook; calling the restaurant is recommended as a first attempt.
Changed lines 5-7 from:
!! Hurricane Delta.....We are preparing for the worst, hoping for the best.  If power remains available, we'll do our utmost to get back up and running as quickly as possible.  Please check here, our Facebook page and/or Google maps for updates.  Updates will be contingent upon connectivity; we'll do our best.  Thank you for your support!!!

!! Hurricane Laura: We have re-opened for dine-in
and to-go.  Our current operating window are Thursday through Saturday, 5:00pm to 9:30pm.  We ask that to-go orders be placed early, as our ability to accommodate to-go orders once we've started in house dining may be limited, if unavailable.  Once we are able to catch up on repairs and maintenance, we anticipate expanding both the menu and our operating hours/days.  Currently we have forwarded our phone lines to a cell phone, connectivity is likely to be problematic.  Please try more than once if connectivity seems to be an issue, and messages are strongly recommended.  If there is no message, we are ill-equipped to chase down missed phone calls.
!! Hurricane Laura & Delta: We have re-opened for dine-in and to-go.  Our current operating window is Thursday through Saturday, 5:00pm to 9:30pm.  We ask that to-go orders be placed early, as our ability to accommodate to-go orders once we've started in house dining may be limited, if unavailable.  Once we are able to catch up on repairs and maintenance, we anticipate expanding both the menu and our operating hours/days.  Phone lines appear to be working for the time being, if there are any connectivity problems, utilize email - or message us via Facebook; calling the restaurant is recommended as a first attempt.
October 08, 2020, at 03:35 PM by -
October 08, 2020, at 03:34 PM by -
Added lines 4-5:

!! Hurricane Delta.....We are preparing for the worst, hoping for the best.  If power remains available, we'll do our utmost to get back up and running as quickly as possible.  Please check here, our Facebook page and/or Google maps for updates.  Updates will be contingent upon connectivity; we'll do our best.  Thank you for your support!!!
Changed line 5 from:
!! Hurricane Laura: Due to the threat we are anticipating, we will be closed Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday of this week.  Once the storm has passed and we can see where things are, we will re-open as quickly as we're able to do so safely.  Please check this website and our Facebook page for updates.  Please be advised that with the anticipated power-outages, we may be limited in our ability to update our status.
!! Hurricane Laura: We have re-opened for dine-in and to-go.  Our current operating window are Thursday through Saturday, 5:00pm to 9:30pm.  We ask that to-go orders be placed early, as our ability to accommodate to-go orders once we've started in house dining may be limited, if unavailable.  Once we are able to catch up on repairs and maintenance, we anticipate expanding both the menu and our operating hours/days.  Currently we have forwarded our phone lines to a cell phone, connectivity is likely to be problematic.  Please try more than once if connectivity seems to be an issue, and messages are strongly recommended.  If there is no message, we are ill-equipped to chase down missed phone calls.
Changed line 5 from:
!! Hurricane Laura: Due to the threat we are anticipating, we will be closed Wednesday and Thursday of this week.  Once the storm has passed and we can see where things are, we will re-open as quickly as we're able to do so safely.  Please check this website and our Facebook page for updates.  Please be advised that with the anticipated power-outages, we may be limited in our ability to update our status.
!! Hurricane Laura: Due to the threat we are anticipating, we will be closed Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday of this week.  Once the storm has passed and we can see where things are, we will re-open as quickly as we're able to do so safely.  Please check this website and our Facebook page for updates.  Please be advised that with the anticipated power-outages, we may be limited in our ability to update our status.
Added lines 4-5:

!! Hurricane Laura: Due to the threat we are anticipating, we will be closed Wednesday and Thursday of this week.  Once the storm has passed and we can see where things are, we will re-open as quickly as we're able to do so safely.  Please check this website and our Facebook page for updates.  Please be advised that with the anticipated power-outages, we may be limited in our ability to update our status.
Changed line 6 from:
'''We have re-opened our dining room for 50% seating capacity (provided social distancing is achievable.)  The windows for reservations are 5pm-6pm and 7:30pm-8:30pm; it is vital that if you have an early reservation that you show up on time;  late arrivals may lose their reservation, as we are providing a relaxed window for dining, and enough time for us to clean the area before the subsequent reservation.  Early arrivals for the second seating may need to wait outside or in your vehicle until the table is ready, we are unable to accommodate more than one party in the foyer.  For the time being, reservations are required, the limits for our seating capacity is a challenge to manage to be able to accommodate as many opportunities as possible.  Please call 337.439.8364 before arriving so we can better manage your experience.  Our wine list can be viewed on this link, Attach:Wine_List.pdf and our Signature Cocktails on this link, Attach:Signature_Cocktails.pdf as we are unable to provide a single use copy, as the list is quite extensive. We ask for your patience and understanding as we're having to adapt and learn from these new processes.'''
'''We have re-opened our dining room for 50% seating capacity (provided social distancing is achievable.)  The windows for reservations are 5pm-6pm and 7:30pm-8:30pm; it is vital that if you have an early reservation that you show up on time;  late arrivals may lose their reservation, as we are providing a relaxed window for dining, and enough time for us to clean the area before the subsequent reservation.  Early arrivals for the second seating may need to wait outside or in your vehicle until the table is ready, we are unable to accommodate more than one party in the foyer.  For the time being, reservations are required, the limits for our seating capacity is a challenge to manage to be able to accommodate as many opportunities as possible.  Our wine list can be viewed on this link, Attach:Wine_List.pdf and our Signature Cocktails on this link, Attach:Signature_Cocktails.pdf as we are unable to provide a single use copy, as the list is quite extensive. We ask for your patience and understanding as we're having to adapt and learn from these new processes.'''
Deleted lines 3-4:

!!Tonight, Friday, August 14th, we are fully booked for inside dining and any To-Go orders will need to be placed before 5 pm and pickup will need to be before 6:30 pm. Saturday, August 15th, we are extremely limited for inside dining and To-Go orders will be limited. Calling orders in early is necessary.
August 14, 2020, at 10:13 AM by -
Added lines 4-5:

!!Tonight, Friday, August 14th, we are fully booked for inside dining and any To-Go orders will need to be placed before 5 pm and pickup will need to be before 6:30 pm. Saturday, August 15th, we are extremely limited for inside dining and To-Go orders will be limited. Calling orders in early is necessary.
Deleted lines 7-8:

%center style="text-decoration: underline"% '''[++Saturday, August 8th, we will no be able to provide To-Go orders, and we are fully committed for inside dining. ++]''' %%
Changed lines 8-9 from:
%center style="text-decoration: underline"% '''[++Saturday, August 8th, we will no be able to provide To-Go orders. ++]''' %%

%center style="text-decoration: underline"% '''[++Saturday, August 8th, we will no be able to provide To-Go orders, and we are fully committed for inside dining. ++]''' %%
Added lines 7-9:

%center style="text-decoration: underline"% '''[++Saturday, August 8th, we will no be able to provide To-Go orders. ++]''' %%
Changed lines 5-8 from:
!! Fourth of July Holiday...
'''We be closed, Saturday, July 4th, Tuesday July 7th and Wednesday, July 8th.  We will resume our regular operating hours on Thursday, July 9th. If making reservations and there is no answer, please leave a message. Have a safe & happy Fourth of July!!'''

!! Limited dining inside is available..
!! Limited dining inside is available...masks are now required upon entry and exit, once you are seated at your table, your mask may be removed.
Changed line 10 from:
'''Since our dining room has been re-opened, it is best to order early, as once dinner service starts, our ability to provide to-go selections may entail a delay or limited availability. Ordering early (by 3pm) will provide you a better opportunity to determine pickup time.'''
'''Since our dining room has been re-opened, it is best to order early, as once dinner service starts, our ability to provide to-go selections may become unavailable. Ordering early (by 3pm) will provide you a better opportunity to determine pickup time.'''
Changed lines 9-10 from:
'''We have re-opened our dining room for 25% seating capacity.  The windows for reservations are 5pm-6pm and 7:30pm-8:30pm; it is vital that if you have an early reservation that you show up on time;  late arrivals may lose their reservation, as we are providing a relaxed window for dining, and enough time for us to clean the area before the subsequent reservation.  Early arrivals for the second seating may need to wait outside or in your vehicle until the table is ready, we are unable to accommodate more than one party in the foyer.  For the time being, reservations are required, the limits for our seating capacity is a challenge to manage to be able to accommodate as many opportunities as possible.  Please call 337.439.8364 before arriving so we can better manage your experience.  Our wine list can be viewed on this link, Attach:Wine_List.pdf and our Signature Cocktails on this link, Attach:Signature_Cocktails.pdf as we are unable to provide a single use copy, as the list is quite extensive. We ask for your patience and understanding as we're having to adapt and learn from these new processes.'''
'''We have re-opened our dining room for 50% seating capacity (provided social distancing is achievable.)  The windows for reservations are 5pm-6pm and 7:30pm-8:30pm; it is vital that if you have an early reservation that you show up on time;  late arrivals may lose their reservation, as we are providing a relaxed window for dining, and enough time for us to clean the area before the subsequent reservation.  Early arrivals for the second seating may need to wait outside or in your vehicle until the table is ready, we are unable to accommodate more than one party in the foyer.  For the time being, reservations are required, the limits for our seating capacity is a challenge to manage to be able to accommodate as many opportunities as possible.  Please call 337.439.8364 before arriving so we can better manage your experience.  Our wine list can be viewed on this link, Attach:Wine_List.pdf and our Signature Cocktails on this link, Attach:Signature_Cocktails.pdf as we are unable to provide a single use copy, as the list is quite extensive. We ask for your patience and understanding as we're having to adapt and learn from these new processes.'''
Changed line 19 from:
[[TuesdayEveningJazz | '+''Live Jazz Piano''+' '+''Tuesday Evenings 6:30-8:30 pm with Chester Daigle''+']] '''Regrettably, Phase 1 does not allow indoor live entertainment; upon the relaxation of this directive, we will welcome back Chester & Jairus!!!'''
[[TuesdayEveningJazz | '+''Live Jazz Piano''+' '+''Tuesday Evenings 6:30-8:30 pm with Chester Daigle''+']] '''Regrettably, Phase 2 does not allow indoor live entertainment; upon the relaxation of this directive, we will welcome back Chester & Jairus!!!'''
Changed line 12 from:
'''Onward through the fog!!!! Our To-Go menu is still available, and any items from our dinner menu are also available to go.'''\\
'''Our To-Go menu is still available, and any items from our dinner menu are also available to go.'''\\
Added lines 5-7:
!! Fourth of July Holiday...
'''We be closed, Saturday, July 4th, Tuesday July 7th and Wednesday, July 8th.  We will resume our regular operating hours on Thursday, July 9th. If making reservations and there is no answer, please leave a message. Have a safe & happy Fourth of July!!'''

Changed lines 12-13 from:
'''Onward through the fog!!!! As we all struggle to find our way to do our part to support the effort to overcome our unwelcome enemy we have prepared a menu by which we can provide for pickup as we negotiate these new circumstances.'''\\
'''We endear ourselves
to keep our staff working as much as possible and leverage your support for us to support all our staff.  We have prepared a foundation menu which is subject to change as the market supports.  We will also be able to provide unopened beer & wine for pickup.  It'll be a little awkward as we negotiate this new business model and we ask for your patience and understanding.  Since our dining room has been re-opened, any menu items from that menu are available to be selected for To-Go items. '''
'''Onward through the fog!!!! Our To-Go menu is still available, and any items from our dinner menu are also available to go.'''\\
our dining room has been re-opened, it is best to order early, as once dinner service starts, our ability to provide to-go selections may entail a delay or limited availability. Ordering early (by 3pm) will provide you a better opportunity to determine pickup time.'''
Changed line 6 from:
'''We have re-opened our dining room for 25% seating capacity.  The windows for reservations are 5pm-6pm and 7:30pm-8:30pm; it is vital that if you have an early reservation that you show up on time;  late arrivals may lose their reservation, as we are providing a relaxed window for dining, and enough time for us to clean the area before the subsequent reservation.  Early arrivals for the second seating may need to wait outside or in your vehicle until the table is ready, we are unable to accommodate more than one party in the foyer.  For the time being, reservations are required, the limits for our seating capacity is a challenge to manage to be able to accommodate as many opportunities as possible.  Please call 337.439.8364 before arriving so we can better manage your experience.  Our wine list can be viewed on this link, Attach:Wine_List.pdf as we are unable to provide a single use copy, as the list is quite extensive. We ask for your patience and understanding as we're having to adapt and learn from these new processes.'''
'''We have re-opened our dining room for 25% seating capacity.  The windows for reservations are 5pm-6pm and 7:30pm-8:30pm; it is vital that if you have an early reservation that you show up on time;  late arrivals may lose their reservation, as we are providing a relaxed window for dining, and enough time for us to clean the area before the subsequent reservation.  Early arrivals for the second seating may need to wait outside or in your vehicle until the table is ready, we are unable to accommodate more than one party in the foyer.  For the time being, reservations are required, the limits for our seating capacity is a challenge to manage to be able to accommodate as many opportunities as possible.  Please call 337.439.8364 before arriving so we can better manage your experience.  Our wine list can be viewed on this link, Attach:Wine_List.pdf and our Signature Cocktails on this link, Attach:Signature_Cocktails.pdf as we are unable to provide a single use copy, as the list is quite extensive. We ask for your patience and understanding as we're having to adapt and learn from these new processes.'''
May 25, 2020, at 03:12 PM by -
Changed line 6 from:
'''We have re-opened our dining room for 25% seating capacity.  The windows for reservations are 5pm-6pm and 7:30pm-8:30pm; it is vital that if you have an early reservation that you show up on time;  late arrivals may lose their reservation, as we are providing a relaxed window for dining, and enough time for us to clean the area before the subsequent reservation.  Early arrivals for the second seating may need to wait outside or in your vehicle until the table is ready, we are unable to accommodate more than one party in the foyer.  Our wine list can be viewed on this link, Attach:Wine_List.pdf as we are unable to provide a single use copy, as the list is quite extensive. We ask for your patience and understanding as we're having to adapt and learn from these new processes.'''
'''We have re-opened our dining room for 25% seating capacity.  The windows for reservations are 5pm-6pm and 7:30pm-8:30pm; it is vital that if you have an early reservation that you show up on time;  late arrivals may lose their reservation, as we are providing a relaxed window for dining, and enough time for us to clean the area before the subsequent reservation.  Early arrivals for the second seating may need to wait outside or in your vehicle until the table is ready, we are unable to accommodate more than one party in the foyer.  For the time being, reservations are required, the limits for our seating capacity is a challenge to manage to be able to accommodate as many opportunities as possible.  Please call 337.439.8364 before arriving so we can better manage your experience.  Our wine list can be viewed on this link, Attach:Wine_List.pdf as we are unable to provide a single use copy, as the list is quite extensive. We ask for your patience and understanding as we're having to adapt and learn from these new processes.'''
May 25, 2020, at 03:05 PM by -
Changed line 11 from:
[[LunchMenu | '+''To-Go Menu''+' '+''click on this link to see our menu''+']]  '''Other options may be ordered from our''' [[DinnerMenu | '+''Dinner Menu''+' '+''click here to see our dinner menu.''+']]
[[LunchMenu | '+''To-Go Menu''+' '+''click on this link to see our menu''+']]  '''Other options may be ordered from our''' [[DinnerMenu | '+''Dinner Menu''+']]
May 25, 2020, at 03:04 PM by -
Changed line 11 from:
[[LunchMenu | '+''To-Go Menu''+' '+''click on this link to see our menu''+']]  Other options may be ordered from our [[DinnerMenu | '+''Dinner Menu''+' '+''click here to see our dinner menu.''+']]
[[LunchMenu | '+''To-Go Menu''+' '+''click on this link to see our menu''+']]  '''Other options may be ordered from our''' [[DinnerMenu | '+''Dinner Menu''+' '+''click here to see our dinner menu.''+']]
May 25, 2020, at 03:04 PM by -
Changed line 11 from:
[[LunchMenu | '+''To-Go Menu''+' '+''click on this link to see our menu''+']]  [[DinnerMenu | '+''Dinner Menu''+' '+''other menu options may be ordered from our dinner menu''+']]
[[LunchMenu | '+''To-Go Menu''+' '+''click on this link to see our menu''+']]  Other options may be ordered from our [[DinnerMenu | '+''Dinner Menu''+' '+''click here to see our dinner menu.''+']]
May 25, 2020, at 03:02 PM by -
Changed line 11 from:
[[LunchMenu | '+''To-Go Menu''+' '+''click on this link to see our menu''+']]
[[LunchMenu | '+''To-Go Menu''+' '+''click on this link to see our menu''+']]  [[DinnerMenu | '+''Dinner Menu''+' '+''other menu options may be ordered from our dinner menu''+']]
May 25, 2020, at 03:00 PM by -
Changed line 16 from:
[[TuesdayEveningJazz | '+''Live Jazz Piano''+' '+''Tuesday Evenings 6:30-8:30 pm with Chester Daigle''+']] '''Regrettably, Phase 1 does not allow indoor live entertainment is not allowed; upon the relaxation of this directive, we will welcome back Chester & Jairus!!!'''
[[TuesdayEveningJazz | '+''Live Jazz Piano''+' '+''Tuesday Evenings 6:30-8:30 pm with Chester Daigle''+']] '''Regrettably, Phase 1 does not allow indoor live entertainment; upon the relaxation of this directive, we will welcome back Chester & Jairus!!!'''
May 25, 2020, at 02:59 PM by -
Changed line 16 from:
[[TuesdayEveningJazz | '+''Live Jazz Piano''+' '+''Tuesday Evenings 6:30-8:30 pm with Chester Daigle''+']] '''Regrettably, Phase 1 does not allow indoor live entertainment is not allowed; upon the relaxation of this directive, we will welcome back Chester & Jairus!!!
[[TuesdayEveningJazz | '+''Live Jazz Piano''+' '+''Tuesday Evenings 6:30-8:30 pm with Chester Daigle''+']] '''Regrettably, Phase 1 does not allow indoor live entertainment is not allowed; upon the relaxation of this directive, we will welcome back Chester & Jairus!!!'''
May 25, 2020, at 02:59 PM by -
Changed lines 6-10 from:
'''We have re-opened our dining room for 25% seating capacity.  The windows for reservations are 5pm-6pm and 7:30pm-8:30pm; it is vital that if you have an early reservation that you show up on time;  late arrivals may lose their reservation, as we are providing a relaxed window for dining, and enough time for us to clean the area before the subsequent reservation.  Our wine list can be viewed on thes link, Attach:WineList.pdf as we are unable to provide a single use copy, as the list is quite extensive.  '''

!! COVID-19
'''Onward through
the fog!!!! As we all struggle to find our way to do our part to support the effort to overcome our unwelcome enemy we have prepared a menu by which we can provide for pickup and possibly delivery, via our own staff, as we negotiate these new circumstances.'''\\
'''We endear ourselves to keep our staff working as much as possible and leverage your support for us
to support all our staff.  We have prepared a foundation menu which is subject to change, and expect to have additional items available as the market supports.  We will also be able to provide unopened beer & wine for pickup; delivery has different rules and we'll do our best to make it available as soon as possible.  It'll be a little awkward as we negotiate this new business model and we ask for your patience and understanding.'''
'''We have re-opened our dining room for 25% seating capacity.  The windows for reservations are 5pm-6pm and 7:30pm-8:30pm; it is vital that if you have an early reservation that you show up on time;  late arrivals may lose their reservation, as we are providing a relaxed window for dining, and enough time for us to clean the area before the subsequent reservation.  Early arrivals for the second seating may need to wait outside or in your vehicle until the table is ready, we are unable to accommodate more than one party in the foyer.  Our wine list can be viewed on this link, Attach:Wine_List.pdf as we are unable to provide a single use copy, as the list is quite extensive. We ask for your patience and understanding as we're having to adapt and learn from these new processes.'''

!! COVID-19 - To Go Menu
'''Onward through the fog!!!! As we all struggle to find our way
to do our part to support the effort to overcome our unwelcome enemy we have prepared a menu by which we can provide for pickup as we negotiate these new circumstances.'''\\
'''We endear ourselves
to keep our staff working as much as possible and leverage your support for us to support all our staff.  We have prepared a foundation menu which is subject to change as the market supports.  We will also be able to provide unopened beer & wine for pickup.  It'll be a little awkward as we negotiate this new business model and we ask for your patience and understanding.  Since our dining room has been re-opened, any menu items from that menu are available to be selected for To-Go items. '''
Changed line 16 from:
[[TuesdayEveningJazz | '+''Live Jazz Piano''+' '+''Tuesday Evenings 6:30-8:30 pm with Chester Daigle''+']]
[[TuesdayEveningJazz | '+''Live Jazz Piano''+' '+''Tuesday Evenings 6:30-8:30 pm with Chester Daigle''+']] '''Regrettably, Phase 1 does not allow indoor live entertainment is not allowed; upon the relaxation of this directive, we will welcome back Chester & Jairus!!!
May 25, 2020, at 02:52 PM by -
Changed line 6 from:
'''We have re-opened our dining room for 25% seating capacity.  The windows for reservations are 5pm-6pm and 7:30pm-8:30pm; it is vital that if you have an early reservation that you show up on time;  late arrivals may lose their reservation, as we are providing a relaxed window for dining, and enough time for us to clean the area before the subsequent reservation.  Our wine list can be viewed on thes link, [[WineList | '+''Wine List''+' '+''click on this link to see our menu''+']]as we are unable to provide a single use copy, as the list is quite extensive.  '''
'''We have re-opened our dining room for 25% seating capacity.  The windows for reservations are 5pm-6pm and 7:30pm-8:30pm; it is vital that if you have an early reservation that you show up on time;  late arrivals may lose their reservation, as we are providing a relaxed window for dining, and enough time for us to clean the area before the subsequent reservation.  Our wine list can be viewed on thes link, Attach:WineList.pdf as we are unable to provide a single use copy, as the list is quite extensive.  '''
May 25, 2020, at 02:51 PM by -
Changed lines 5-6 from:
!! Not ready yet for dining inside, but moving in the direction...
'''We are still offering our To-Go menu for pickup
and some delivery.  At the moment we don't have a timeline regarding making the dining room available for dine-in service, but we are making steps in that direction.  We are curtailing our pickup window since dinner appears to be the most popular time, and the energy and effort applied to providing a lunch window is only interfering for re-opening the dining room. Even though it appears we're open 5pm-8pm, we are staffed at 2pm to accept pre-orders.  Early orders help us immensely, and allow us to provide the best we can for To-Go.  Feel free to call and leave a message if there's no answer and we'll call you back as soon as we're able. Follow us on Facebook for current specials and any last minute announcements.  We hope to get back to a facsimile of our former self as soon as possible, thank you for your patience and support. '''
!! Limited dining inside is available...
'''We have re-opened our dining room for 25% seating capacity
.  The windows for reservations are 5pm-6pm and 7:30pm-8:30pm; it is vital that if you have an early reservation that you show up on time;  late arrivals may lose their reservation, as we are providing a relaxed window for dining, and enough time for us to clean the area before the subsequent reservation.  Our wine list can be viewed on thes link, [[WineList | '+''Wine List''+' '+''click on this link to see our menu''+']]as we are unable to provide a single use copy, as the list is quite extensive.   '''
May 16, 2020, at 03:25 PM by -
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'''We are still offering our To-Go menu for pickup and some delivery.  At the moment we don't have a timeline regarding making the dining room available for dine-in service, but we are making steps in that direction.  We are curtailing our pickup window since dinner appears to be the most popular time, and the energy and effort applied to providing a lunch window is only interfering for re-opening the dining room. Follow us on Facebook for current specials and any last minute announcements.  We hope to get back to a facsimile of our former self as soon as possible.'''
'''We are still offering our To-Go menu for pickup and some delivery.  At the moment we don't have a timeline regarding making the dining room available for dine-in service, but we are making steps in that direction.  We are curtailing our pickup window since dinner appears to be the most popular time, and the energy and effort applied to providing a lunch window is only interfering for re-opening the dining room. Even though it appears we're open 5pm-8pm, we are staffed at 2pm to accept pre-orders.  Early orders help us immensely, and allow us to provide the best we can for To-Go.  Feel free to call and leave a message if there's no answer and we'll call you back as soon as we're able. Follow us on Facebook for current specials and any last minute announcements.  We hope to get back to a facsimile of our former self as soon as possible, thank you for your patience and support. '''
May 16, 2020, at 03:22 PM by -
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!! Hitting the pause button for a moment
'''The impact of
the changes we've struggled with to manage To-Go service as a result of COVID-19, has forced us to suspend To-Go operations for Tuesday, May 12th and Wednesday, May 13th to give us time to recover from an extremely busy weekendAs with Old Mother Hubbard....the cupboard is bare...and it'll take a little time to restock.  We will also be adjusting service hours in an effort to provide us some time to  to make progress in preparation of re-opening dine-in service.  We do not have a timeline yet, but need a little breathing room in order to do so.  We greatly appreciate all the incredible support of everyone, and are just as anxious to shift slowly, carefully and gradually towards dine-in service.  Feel free to leave a message for To-Go requests for the remainder of the week, calling and ordering early is encouraged'''
!! Not ready yet for dining inside, but moving in the direction...
'''We are still offering our To-Go menu for pickup and some delivery.  At the moment we don't have a timeline regarding making the dining room available for dine-in service, but we are making steps in that directionWe are curtailing our pickup window since dinner appears to be the most popular time, and the energy and effort applied to providing a lunch window is only interfering for re-opening the dining room. Follow us on Facebook for current specials and any last minute announcements.  We hope to get back to a facsimile of our former self as soon as possible.'''
May 11, 2020, at 09:33 PM by -
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'''The impact of the changes we've had to struggle to manage as a result of COVID-19 has forced us to suspend To-Go operations for Tuesday, May 12th and Wednesday, May 13th to give us time to recover from an extremely busy weekend.  As with Old Mother Hubbard....the cupboard is bare...and it'll take a little time to restock.  We will also be adjusting service hours in an effort to provide us some time to be able to make progress in preparation of re-opening dine-in service.  We do not have a timeline yet, but need a little breathing room in order to do so.  We greatly appreciate all the incredible support of everyone, and are just as anxious to shift slowly, carefully and healthily towards dine-in service.  Feel free to leave a message for To-Go requests for the remainder of the week, calling and ordering early is encouraged'''
'''The impact of the changes we've struggled with to manage To-Go service as a result of COVID-19, has forced us to suspend To-Go operations for Tuesday, May 12th and Wednesday, May 13th to give us time to recover from an extremely busy weekend.  As with Old Mother Hubbard....the cupboard is bare...and it'll take a little time to restock.  We will also be adjusting service hours in an effort to provide us some time to to make progress in preparation of re-opening dine-in service.  We do not have a timeline yet, but need a little breathing room in order to do so.  We greatly appreciate all the incredible support of everyone, and are just as anxious to shift slowly, carefully and gradually towards dine-in service.  Feel free to leave a message for To-Go requests for the remainder of the week, calling and ordering early is encouraged'''
May 11, 2020, at 09:31 PM by -
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'''The impact of the changes we've had to struggle to manage as a result of COVID-19 has forced us to suspend To-Go operations for Tuesday, May 12th and Wednesday, May 13th to give us time to recover from an extremely busy weekend.  As with Old Mother Hubbard....the cupboard is bare...and it'll take a little time to restock.  We will also be adjusting service hours in an effort to provide us some time to be able to make progress in preparation of re-opening.  We do not have a timeline yet, but need a little breathing room in order to do so.  We greatly appreciate all the incredible support of everyone, and are just as anxious to shift slowly, carefully and healthily towards dine-in service.  Feel free to leave a message for To-Go requests for the remainder of the week, calling and ordering early is encouraged'''
'''The impact of the changes we've had to struggle to manage as a result of COVID-19 has forced us to suspend To-Go operations for Tuesday, May 12th and Wednesday, May 13th to give us time to recover from an extremely busy weekend.  As with Old Mother Hubbard....the cupboard is bare...and it'll take a little time to restock.  We will also be adjusting service hours in an effort to provide us some time to be able to make progress in preparation of re-opening dine-in service.  We do not have a timeline yet, but need a little breathing room in order to do so.  We greatly appreciate all the incredible support of everyone, and are just as anxious to shift slowly, carefully and healthily towards dine-in service.  Feel free to leave a message for To-Go requests for the remainder of the week, calling and ordering early is encouraged'''
May 11, 2020, at 09:30 PM by -
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!! Hitting the pause button for a moment
'''The impact of the changes we've had to struggle to manage as a result of COVID-19 has forced us to suspend To-Go operations for Tuesday, May 12th and Wednesday, May 13th to give us time to recover from an extremely busy weekend.  As with Old Mother Hubbard....the cupboard is bare...and it'll take a little time to restock.  We will also be adjusting service hours in an effort to provide us some time to be able to make progress in preparation of re-opening.  We do not have a timeline yet, but need a little breathing room in order to do so.  We greatly appreciate all the incredible support of everyone, and are just as anxious to shift slowly, carefully and healthily towards dine-in service.  Feel free to leave a message for To-Go requests for the remainder of the week, calling and ordering early is encouraged'''
May 10, 2020, at 08:17 PM by -
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'''SOLD OUT!!!  We have reached the point where we are no longer able to accept any more orders for Mother's Day.''' [[MothersDay | '+''To-Go Menu''+' '+''click on this link to see our menu''+']]
May 10, 2020, at 02:55 AM by -
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'''We will be presenting a prix fixe menu package for orders to pickup on Mother's Day from 11am-2pm. Quantities will be limited and ordering early is encouraged as well as securing a preferred pickup time.  This will be the only menu offerings available on Mother's Day, Sunday, May 10th.''' [[MothersDay | '+''To-Go Menu''+' '+''click on this link to see our menu''+']]
'''SOLD OUT!!!  We have reached the point where we are no longer able to accept any more orders for Mother's Day.''' [[MothersDay | '+''To-Go Menu''+' '+''click on this link to see our menu''+']]
May 05, 2020, at 04:43 PM by -
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'''We will be presenting a prix fixe menu package for orders to pickup on Mother's Day from 11am-2pm. Quantities will be limited and ordering early is encouraged as well as securing a preferred pickup time.  This will be the only menu offerings available on Mother's Day, Sunday, May 10th.'''
'''We will be presenting a prix fixe menu package for orders to pickup on Mother's Day from 11am-2pm. Quantities will be limited and ordering early is encouraged as well as securing a preferred pickup time.  This will be the only menu offerings available on Mother's Day, Sunday, May 10th.''' [[MothersDay | '+''To-Go Menu''+' '+''click on this link to see our menu''+']]
May 05, 2020, at 04:42 PM by -
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'''We will be presenting a prix fixe menu package for orders to pickup on Mother's Day from 11am-2pm. Quantities will be limited and ordering early is encouraged as well as securing a preferred pickup time.  This will be the only menu offerings available on Mother's Day, Sunday, May 10th. 
'''We will be presenting a prix fixe menu package for orders to pickup on Mother's Day from 11am-2pm. Quantities will be limited and ordering early is encouraged as well as securing a preferred pickup time.  This will be the only menu offerings available on Mother's Day, Sunday, May 10th.'''
May 05, 2020, at 04:41 PM by -
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'''We will be presenting a prix fixe menu package for orders to pickup on Mother's Day from 11am-2pm. Quantities will be limited and ordering early is encouraged as well as securing a preferred pickup time.  This will be the only menu offerings available on Mother's Day, Sunday, May 10th. 
March 18, 2020, at 11:46 AM by -
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'''We want everyone to be aware that we do offer TO-GO on almost all our menu items, you can still have La Truffe at home.  Due to our desire to maintain our standards, unfortunately we do not partner with any food delivery services as we prefer to handle the transaction directly with our guests.  Since Governor Edwards has declared limiting our operations to pickup or delivery we will implement a process by which we will employ our staff members to handle deliveries as we're able.'''\\
'''Since this current situation is uncharted territory for everyone, we ask for your understanding in the event we do not have your preferred dish available.  We will do our utmost to maintain as much as possible, however the current business climate is encouraging us to keep inventory at
a minimum.  In order to help us supply a sufficient selection of food items, calling orders in early will assist us in keeping sufficient supplies available much easier.'''
'''Onward through the fog!!!! As we all struggle to find our way to do our part to support the effort to overcome our unwelcome enemy we have prepared a menu by which we can provide for pickup and possibly delivery, via our own staff, as we negotiate these new circumstances.'''\\
'''We endear ourselves to keep our staff working as much as possible and leverage your support for us to support all our staff.  We have prepared a foundation menu which is subject to change, and expect to have additional items available as the market supports.  We will also be able to provide unopened beer & wine for pickup; delivery has different rules and we'll do our best to make it available as soon as possible.  It'll be
a little awkward as we negotiate this new business model and we ask for your patience and understanding.'''
[[LunchMenu | '+''To-Go Menu''+' '+''click on this link to see our menu
Changed line 6 from:
'''We also want everyone to be aware that we do offer TO-GO on almost all our menu items, you can still have La Truffe at home.  Due to our desire to maintain our standards, unfortunately we do not partner with any food delivery services as we prefer to handle the transaction directly with our guests.  Since Governor Edwards has declared limiting our operations to pickup or delivery we will implement a process by which we will employ our staff members to handle deliveries as we're able.'''\\
'''We want everyone to be aware that we do offer TO-GO on almost all our menu items, you can still have La Truffe at home.  Due to our desire to maintain our standards, unfortunately we do not partner with any food delivery services as we prefer to handle the transaction directly with our guests.  Since Governor Edwards has declared limiting our operations to pickup or delivery we will implement a process by which we will employ our staff members to handle deliveries as we're able.'''\\
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'''Our regular seating arrangements normally allows for sufficient spacing for our guests, however, in order to comply with the recommended distance of six feet between others; we will be making a minor adjustment to our seating in order to with CDC recommendations.  We will still continue to provide table service as we have in the past, unless otherwise instructed by authorities.  We have increased our processes of cleaning guest contact surfaces.  We also want everyone to be aware that we do offer TO-GO on almost all our menu items, and if you don't feel comfortable eating out, you can still have La Truffe at home.  Due to our desire to maintain our standards, unfortunately we do not partner with any food delivery services as we prefer to handle the transaction directly with our guests.'''\\
'''Since this current situation is uncharted territory for everyone, we ask for your understanding in the event we do not have your preferred dish available.  We will do our utmost to maintain as much as possible, however the current business climate is encouraging us to keep inventory at a minimum.  In order to help us supply a sufficient selection of food items, making reservations isn't required, it makes our job of
keeping sufficient supplies available much easier.'''
'''We also want everyone to be aware that we do offer TO-GO on almost all our menu items, you can still have La Truffe at home.  Due to our desire to maintain our standards, unfortunately we do not partner with any food delivery services as we prefer to handle the transaction directly with our guests.  Since Governor Edwards has declared limiting our operations to pickup or delivery we will implement a process by which we will employ our staff members to handle deliveries as we're able.'''\\
'''Since this current situation is uncharted territory for everyone, we ask for your understanding in the event we do not have your preferred dish available.  We will do our utmost to maintain
as much as possible, however the current business climate is encouraging us to keep inventory at a minimum.  In order to help us supply a sufficient selection of food items, calling orders in early will assist us in keeping sufficient supplies available much easier.'''
Changed line 7 from:
'''Since this current situation is uncharted territory for everyone, we ask for your understanding in the event we do not have your preferred dish available.  We will do our utmost to maintain as much as possible, however the current business climate is encouraging us to keep inventory at a minimum.  In order to help us supply a sufficient selection of food items, while making reservations isn't required, it makes our job of keeping sufficient supplies available much easier.'''
'''Since this current situation is uncharted territory for everyone, we ask for your understanding in the event we do not have your preferred dish available.  We will do our utmost to maintain as much as possible, however the current business climate is encouraging us to keep inventory at a minimum.  In order to help us supply a sufficient selection of food items, making reservations isn't required, it makes our job of keeping sufficient supplies available much easier.'''
Changed line 6 from:
'''Our regular seating arrangements normally allows for sufficient spacing for our guests, however, in order to comply with the recommended distance of six feet between others; we will be making a minor adjustment to our seating in order to with CDC recommendations.  We will still continue to provide table service as we have in the past.  We have increased our processes of cleaning guest contact surfaces.  We also want everyone to be aware that we do offer TO-GO on almost all our menu items, and if you don't feel comfortable eating out, you can still have La Truffe at home.  Due to our desire to maintain our standards, unfortunately we do not partner with any food delivery services as we prefer to handle the transaction directly with our guests.'''\\
'''Our regular seating arrangements normally allows for sufficient spacing for our guests, however, in order to comply with the recommended distance of six feet between others; we will be making a minor adjustment to our seating in order to with CDC recommendations.  We will still continue to provide table service as we have in the past, unless otherwise instructed by authorities.  We have increased our processes of cleaning guest contact surfaces.  We also want everyone to be aware that we do offer TO-GO on almost all our menu items, and if you don't feel comfortable eating out, you can still have La Truffe at home.  Due to our desire to maintain our standards, unfortunately we do not partner with any food delivery services as we prefer to handle the transaction directly with our guests.'''\\
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!! COVID-19
'''Our regular seating arrangements normally allows for sufficient spacing for our guests, however, in order to comply with the recommended distance of six feet between others; we will be making a minor adjustment to our seating in order to with CDC recommendations.  We will still continue to provide table service as we have in the past.  We have increased our processes of cleaning guest contact surfaces.  We also want everyone to be aware that we do offer TO-GO on almost all our menu items, and if you don't feel comfortable eating out, you can still have La Truffe at home.  Due to our desire to maintain our standards, unfortunately we do not partner with any food delivery services as we prefer to handle the transaction directly with our guests.'''\\
'''Since this current situation is uncharted territory for everyone, we ask for your understanding in the event we do not have your preferred dish available.  We will do our utmost to maintain as much as possible, however the current business climate is encouraging us to keep inventory at a minimum.  In order to help us supply a sufficient selection of food items, while making reservations isn't required, it makes our job of keeping sufficient supplies available much easier.'''
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!! Mardi Gras
'''We will be closed Tuesday, February 25th through Thursday, February 27th.  We will resume our regular dinner operation at 5pm on Friday, February 28th.'''
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[[ValentinesDay | '+''Valentine's Dinner''+' '+'' - Prix Fixe menu Friday, February 14th and Saturday February 15th.  Click this link for more details''+']]
We are fully committed for Valentine's dinner unless we have a cancellation; we recommend considering Saturday evening.

!! Mardi Gras
'''We will be closed Tuesday, February 25th through Thursday, February 27th.  We will resume our regular dinner operation at 5pm on Friday, February 28th.'''
February 07, 2020, at 08:40 PM by -
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We currently only have openings for 9pm on Valentine's Day; we recommend considering Saturday evening.
We are fully committed for Valentine's dinner unless we have a cancellation; we recommend considering Saturday evening.
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[[ValentinesDay | '+''Valentine's Dinner''+' '+'' - Prix Fixe menu Friday, February 14th and Saturday February 15th.  Click this link for more details''+']]\\ We currently only have openings for 9pm on Valentine's Day; we recommend considering Saturday evening.
[[ValentinesDay | '+''Valentine's Dinner''+' '+'' - Prix Fixe menu Friday, February 14th and Saturday February 15th.  Click this link for more details''+']]
We currently only have openings for 9pm on Valentine's Day; we recommend considering Saturday evening.
Changed line 5 from:
[[ValentinesDay | '+''Valentine's Dinner''+' '+'' - Prix Fixe menu Friday, February 14th and Saturday February 15th.  Click this link for more details''+']]
[[ValentinesDay | '+''Valentine's Dinner''+' '+'' - Prix Fixe menu Friday, February 14th and Saturday February 15th.  Click this link for more details''+']]\\ We currently only have openings for 9pm on Valentine's Day; we recommend considering Saturday evening.
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!! Holiday Schedule
Jan 1st - Jan 8th - Closed
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[[ValentinesDay | '+''Valentine's Dinner''+' '+''Prix Fixe menu Friday, February 14th and Saturday February 15th.  Click this link for more details''+']]
[[ValentinesDay | '+''Valentine's Dinner''+' '+'' - Prix Fixe menu Friday, February 14th and Saturday February 15th.  Click this link for more details''+']]
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[[ValentinesDay | '+''Valentine's Dinner''+' '+''Prix Fixe menu Friday, February 14th and Saturday February 15th.  Click this link for more details''+']]
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[[NewYearsEve | '+''New Year's Eve!''+' '+''Ring in the new decade with dinner New Year's Eve.  Seating is limited, click this link for more details!''+']]
December 26, 2019, at 06:24 PM by -
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Dec. 25th, Christmas Day - Closed\\
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[[NewYearsEve | '+''New Year's Eve!''+' '+''Ring in the new decade with dinner New Year's Eve.  Seating is limited, click this link for more details!''+']]
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Jan 1st - Jan 8th - Closed'''
Jan 1st - Jan 8th - Closed
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'''Friday, December 13th - fully committed\\
Saturday, December 14th - fully committed\\
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Jan 1st - Jan 8th - Closed
Jan 1st - Jan 8th - Closed'''
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Friday, December 13th - fully committed\\
'''Friday, December 13th - fully committed\\
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Jan 1st - Jan 8th - Closed'''
Jan 1st - Jan 8th - Closed
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'''Nov. 28th, Thanksgiving day -Closed\\
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Friday, December 13th - fully committed\\
Saturday, December 14th - fully committed\\
November 25, 2019, at 08:28 PM by -
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!! Holiday Schedule
'''Nov. 28th, Thanksgiving day -Closed\\
Dec. 25th, Christmas Day - Closed\\
Jan 1st - Jan 8th - Closed'''
November 25, 2019, at 01:26 AM by -
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!! Wednesday, November 28th - Thanksgiving To Go
'''We are offering a fully cooked turkey with all the trimmings to go for pickup on Thanksgiving Day. [[Thanksgiving Lunch | '+''Thanksgiving To Go''+' '+''Orders must be in early! Click this link for more details''+']]'''
Deleted lines 3-5:

!! Wednesday, November 20th - Chamber Music Dinner
'''We will have a Chamber Music Performance during dinner service; prix fixe menu only. [[Special Events | '+''Chamber Music Dinner''+' '+''Seating is very limited!!  Click this link for more details''+']]'''
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!! Tuesday, November 19th - Fully Committed
'''We are fully booked for dinner service, Tuesday, November 18th'''
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!! Wednesday, November 28th - Thanksgiving To Go
'''We are offering a fully cooked turkey with all the trimmings to go for pickup on Thanksgiving Day. [[Thanksgiving Lunch | '+''Thanksgiving To Go''+' '+''Orders must be in early! Click this link for more details''+']]'''
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'''We will have a Chamber Music Performance during dinner service; prix fixe menu only. '''
'''We will have a Chamber Music Performance during dinner service; prix fixe menu only. [[Special Events | '+''Chamber Music Dinner''+' '+''Seating is very limited!!  Click this link for more details''+']]'''
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!! Tuesday, November 19th - Fully Committed
'''We are fully booked for dinner service, Tuesday, November 18th'''

!! Wednesday, November 20th - Chamber Music Dinner
'''We will have a Chamber Music Performance during dinner service; prix fixe menu only. '''
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!! Saturday, August 10th - Fully Committed
'''We are currently fully booked for this Saturday'''
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!! Saturday, August 10th - Fully Committed
'''We are currently fully booked for this Saturday'''
August 02, 2019, at 05:38 AM by -
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!! Wednesday, July 31st
'''We are fully committed for Wednesday evening, July 31st.'''
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!! Wednesday, July 31st
'''We are fully committed for Wednesday evening, July 31st.'''
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!! July 4th - closed for the week
'''We will be closed July 2nd through July 6th'''
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June 16, 2019, at 12:35 PM by -
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June 16, 2019, at 12:34 PM by -
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[[SpecialEvents | '+''Father's Day "Eve"
''+' '+''This Saturday, June, 15th, we will present a prix fixe menu especially for Dad.  Reservations will be limited to 40 guests; click this link for the menu and details.  Call soon as we anticipate filling shortly ''+']]

!! July 4th - closed for the week
'''We will be closed July 2nd through July 6th'''
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!! July 4th - closed for the week
'''We will be closed July 2nd through July 6th'''
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[[SpecialEvents | '+''Father's Day "Eve" ''+' '+''This Saturday, June, 15th, we will present a prix fixe menu especially for Dad.  Reservations will be limited to 40 guests; click this link for the menu and details.  Call soon as we anticipate filling shortly ''+']]
May 16, 2019, at 10:46 PM by -
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!!Mother's Day
[[MothersDay | '+''Mother's Day''+' '+''Sunday, May 12th, 2019, 11am-2pm.  Unless we have a cancellation, we are currently fully committed; click this link for more details.''+']]
May 07, 2019, at 02:25 PM by -
Changed line 7 from:
[[MothersDay | '+''Mother's Day''+' '+''Sunday, May 12th, 2019, 11am-2pm.  We will fill up quickly and be very limited on openings; click this link for more details.''+']]
[[MothersDay | '+''Mother's Day''+' '+''Sunday, May 12th, 2019, 11am-2pm.  Unless we have a cancellation, we are currently fully committed; click this link for more details.''+']]
May 05, 2019, at 11:51 PM by -
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!! July 4th - closed for the week
'''We will be closed July 2nd through July 6th'''
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!!Mother's Day
Added lines 5-6:

[[MothersDay | '+''Mother's Day''+' '+''Sunday, May 12th, 2019, 11am-2pm.  We will fill up quickly and be very limited on openings; click this link for more details.''+']]
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[[EasterSunday | '+''EASTER SUNDAY - April 21st, 11am-2pm''+' '+''A three course prix-fixe menu with choices within each course.  Seating is limited and we fill up quickly; call early for best options.  Click this link for more details''+']]
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[[EasterSunday | '+''EASTER SUNDAY - April 21st, 11am-2pm''+' '+''A three course prix-fixe menu with choices within each course.  Seating is limited and we fill up quickly; call early for best options.  Click this link for more details''+']]
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!!Mardis Gras Schedule!!!  We will be closed Tuesday, March 5th and Wednesday, March 6th.  We will resume our regular operating hours on Thursday, March 7th.
February 17, 2019, at 06:03 PM by -
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!!Saturday, February 16th!!!  We are on the verge of capacity this evening, only a late opening is available.
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!!Valentine's Day for Thursday, February 14th is fully committed!
[[ValentinesDay | '+''Valentine's Dinner''+' '+''Prix Fixe menu for Thursday, February 14th and Friday, February 15th
.  Availability for Friday, February 15th is still available.  Click this link for details''+']]
!!Saturday, February 16th!!!  We are on the verge of capacity this evening, only a late opening is available.
Changed lines 9-10 from:
!!Valentine's Day will be here before you realize!!!  Call early for the best options!
[[ValentinesDay | '+''Valentine's Dinner''+' '+''Prix Fixe menu for Thursday, February 14th and
Friday, February 15th.  Availability for February 14th is extremely limited.  Click this link for details''+']]
!!Valentine's Day for Thursday, February 14th is fully committed!
[[ValentinesDay | '+''Valentine's Dinner''+' '+''Prix Fixe menu for Thursday, February 14th and Friday, February 15th.  Availability for Friday, February 15th is still available.  Click this link for details''+']]
Changed line 10 from:
[[ValentinesDay | '+''Valentine's Dinner''+' '+''Prix Fixe menu for Thursday, February 14th and Friday, February 15th.  Click this link for details''+']]
[[ValentinesDay | '+''Valentine's Dinner''+' '+''Prix Fixe menu for Thursday, February 14th and Friday, February 15th.  Availability for February 14th is extremely limited.  Click this link for details''+']]
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!!Mardis Gras Schedule!!!  We will be closed Tuesday, March 5th and Wednesday, March 6th.  We will resume our regular operating hours on Thursday, March 7th.
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!!Valentine's Day will be here before you realize!!!  Call early for the best options!
[[ValentinesDay | '+''Valentine's Dinner''+' '+''Prix Fixe menu for Thursday, February 14th and Friday, February 15th.  Click this link for details''+']]
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[[TuesdayEveningJazz | '+''Live Jazz Piano''+' '+''Tuesday Evenings 7-9 pm with Chester Daigle''+']]
[[TuesdayEveningJazz | '+''Live Jazz Piano''+' '+''Tuesday Evenings 6:30-8:30 pm with Chester Daigle''+']]
Deleted lines 9-15:

!! January 2019
'''We will be closed, January 1st until we re-open for dinner service,'''\\
'''Tuesday, January 8th at 5pm.  We will only'''\\
'''have dinner service, however it will start at 5pm until 9:30pm'''\\
'''We will discontinue lunch service starting January 2019'''\\

January 02, 2019, at 06:54 AM by -
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[[NewYearsEve | '+''Availability is limited for New Year's Eve, only very early or very late openings are available!!! Click here for more details.''+']]

!! Fully Committed Dates:
'''Due to the holiday season,'''\\
'''the following are adjustments to our regular business hours:'''\\
'''Saturday, December 29th, limited availability after 7pm'''

Changed line 9 from:
[[NewYearsEve | '+''Availability is becoming limited for New Year's Eve, call soon!!! Click here for more details.''+']]
[[NewYearsEve | '+''Availability is limited for New Year's Eve, only very early or very late openings are available!!! Click here for more details.''+']]
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[[LunchMenu | '+''Lunch Tuesday through Friday, 11am to 2pm''+']]
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La Truffe Sauvage is uncompromising about quality.  For your meal, the finest Angus Beef, fresh seafood, produce, skilled preparation by our chef and kitchen staff, and menu selections that are the result of decades of experience and innovation.  For your wine, a selection that a connoisseur can truly appreciate.  A highly skilled wait staff to anticipate your needs.  All of this takes place inside our warm and inviting dining room.
La Truffe Sauvage is uncompromising about quality.  For your meal, the finest Prime Beef, fresh seafood, produce, skilled preparation by our chef and kitchen staff, and menu selections that are the result of decades of experience and innovation.  For your wine, a selection that a connoisseur can truly appreciate.  A highly skilled wait staff to anticipate your needs.  All of this takes place inside our warm and inviting dining room.
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%center%'+'''Lunch served Tuesday through Friday'''+'\\
%center%'+'''11:00am - 2:00pm'''+'\\
Changed line 35 from:
%center%'+'''6:00pm - 10:00pm'''+'\\
%center%'+'''5:00pm - 9:30pm'''+'\\
Changed line 9 from:
[[NewYearsEve | '+''Make reservations early for New Year's Eve!!! Click here for more details.''+']]
[[NewYearsEve | '+''Availability is becoming limited for New Year's Eve, call soon!!! Click here for more details.''+']]
Deleted line 13:
'''Friday, December 21st, lunch only, 11am-2pm'''\\
Changed lines 23-24 from:
'''have dinner service, however it will start at 5pm until 10pm'''\\
'''We will not have any lunch service starting January 2019'''\\
'''have dinner service, however it will start at 5pm until 9:30pm'''\\
'''We will discontinue lunch service starting January 2019'''\\
Changed line 23 from:
'''Tuesday, January 8th at 5pm.  For the month of January we will only'''\\
'''Tuesday, January 8th at 5pm.  We will only'''\\
Changed lines 25-26 from:
'''We will not have any lunch service from January 8th through February 1st'''
'''We will not have any lunch service starting January 2019'''\\
Changed lines 19-25 from:
[[TuesdayEveningJazz | '+''Live Jazz Piano''+' '+''Tuesday Evenings 7-9 pm with Chester Daigle''+']]\\
[[TuesdayEveningJazz | '+''Live Jazz Piano''+' '+''Tuesday Evenings 7-9 pm with Chester Daigle''+']]

!! January 2019
'''We will be closed, January 1st until we re-open for dinner service,'''
'''Tuesday, January 8th at 5pm.  For the month of January we will only'''\\
'''have dinner service, however it will start at 5pm until 10pm'''\\
'''We will not have any lunch service from January 8th through February 1st'''
Added lines 8-9:

[[NewYearsEve | '+''Make reservations early for New Year's Eve!!! Click here for more details.''+']]
Deleted line 11:
'''Thursday, December 6th lunch only, 11am-2pm'''\\
Changed lines 13-14 from:
'''Saturday, December 29th, fully committed'''\\
'''We will be presenting Christmas Eve Dinner and New Year's Eve Dinner, the menus are currently pending, however go to our MENU section and you will be able to review our offerings from last year.
'''Saturday, December 29th, limited availability after 7pm'''
Added lines 6-8:
!! Gift certificates
'''An ideal way to send a special gift for birthday, anniversary or a job well done.  Call us in advance and we'll have it ready when you arrive, or, if you're out of town, we can arrange to mail it.  337.439.8364'''

Deleted lines 15-17:

!! Gift certificates
'''An ideal way to send a special gift for birthday, anniversary or a job well done.  Call us in advance and we'll have it ready when you arrive, or, if you're out of town, we can arrange to mail it.  337.439.8364'''
Changed line 9 from:
'''Thursday, December 6th lunch only, 11am-2pm:'''\\
'''Thursday, December 6th lunch only, 11am-2pm'''\\
Changed lines 7-8 from:
'''Due to the holiday season, the following are adjustments to our regular business hours:'''\\
'''Due to the holiday season,'''\\
the following are adjustments to our regular business hours:'''\\
Changed lines 6-7 from:
!! Thanksgiving Schedule
'''We will be closed all day Thursday, November 22nd and open for dinner only, Friday, November 23rd from 6-10pm.  If you happen to be interested in acquiring gift certificates, please call in advance for an opportunity to come by to pick up.  337.439.8364 '''
!! Fully Committed Dates:
'''Due to the holiday season, the following are adjustments to our regular business hours:'''\\
, December 6th lunch only, 11am-2pm:'''\\
'''Friday, December 21st, lunch only, 11am-2pm'''\\
'''Saturday, December 29th, fully committed'''\\
'''We will be presenting Christmas Eve Dinner and New Year's Eve Dinner, the menus are currently pending, however go to our MENU section and you will be able to review our offerings from last year.
Deleted lines 4-6:

!! Thanksgiving to go!
[[ThanksgivingLunch | '+''Traditional Turkey & Trimmings, hot and ready to eat, click here for details''+']]\\
Added lines 8-10:

!! Thanksgiving Schedule
'''We will be closed all day Thursday, November 22nd and open for dinner only, Friday, November 23rd from 6-10pm.  If you happen to be interested in acquiring gift certificates, please call in advance for an opportunity to come by to pick up.  337.439.8364 '''
Changed line 7 from:
[[ThanksgivingLunch | '+''Traditional Turkey & Trimmings, hot and ready to eat''+' '+''click here for details''+']]\\
[[ThanksgivingLunch | '+''Traditional Turkey & Trimmings, hot and ready to eat, click here for details''+']]\\
Added lines 5-7:

!! Thanksgiving to go!
[[ThanksgivingLunch | '+''Traditional Turkey & Trimmings, hot and ready to eat''+' '+''click here for details''+']]\\
Deleted lines 4-6:

!! Tuesday, October 23rd
'''We are fully committed and no longer have openings for reservations on Tuesday, October 23rd.'''
Added lines 5-7:

!! Tuesday, October 23rd
'''We are fully committed and no longer have openings for reservations on Tuesday, October 23rd.'''
Deleted lines 11-12:
[+'''TUESDAY, JULY 10th'''+]\\
'''Chester & Jairus Daigle have a family event to attend and will not be playing that evening.'''
Deleted lines 4-6:

!! JULY 4th
'''We will be closed July 3rd, 4th and 5th and resume our regular service hours at 6pm, Friday, July 6th.  Have a safe and happy 4th of July!'''
Changed line 16 from:
'''Chester & Jairus Daigle have a family event to attend Tuesday, July 10th and will not be playing that evening.'''
'''Chester & Jairus Daigle have a family event to attend and will not be playing that evening.'''
Changed line 15 from:
''''TUESDAY, JULY 10th''''\\
[+'''TUESDAY, JULY 10th'''+]\\
Changed line 15 from:
''''TUESDAY, JULY 10th''''\\
Changed line 14 from:
[[TuesdayEveningJazz | '+''Live Jazz Piano''+' '+''Tuesday Evenings 7-9 pm with Chester Daigle''+']]
[[TuesdayEveningJazz | '+''Live Jazz Piano''+' '+''Tuesday Evenings 7-9 pm with Chester Daigle''+']]\\
Changed line 16 from:
'''Chester & Jairus Daigle have a family event to attend Tuesday, July 10th and will not be playing that evening.!'''
'''Chester & Jairus Daigle have a family event to attend Tuesday, July 10th and will not be playing that evening.'''
Added lines 15-16:
'''Chester & Jairus Daigle have a family event to attend Tuesday, July 10th and will not be playing that evening.!'''
Added lines 5-7:

!! JULY 4th
'''We will be closed July 3rd, 4th and 5th and resume our regular service hours at 6pm, Friday, July 6th.  Have a safe and happy 4th of July!'''
Deleted lines 4-7:

!! Wednesday, June 13th
'''We are fully committed for dinner service, Wednesday, June 13th, and cannot accept any dinner reservations.'''
'''We will be open for lunch, 11a-2pm as usual. Our apologies for the inconvenience.'''
Changed lines 6-7 from:
!! Saturday, May 19th
'''We are fully committed Saturday, May 19th, and cannot accept any dinner reservations. Our apologies for the inconvenience.'''
!! Wednesday, June 13th
'''We are fully committed for dinner service, Wednesday, June 13th, and cannot accept any dinner reservations.'''
'''We will be open for lunch, 11a-2pm as usual
. Our apologies for the inconvenience.'''
May 14, 2018, at 03:17 PM by -
Deleted lines 4-5:

[[MothersDay | '+''Mothers' Day Lunch''+' '+''Sunday, May 13th, 2018, Seating will be limited, click this link for more menu details''+']]
May 08, 2018, at 01:57 PM by -
Added lines 7-9:

!! Saturday, May 19th
'''We are fully committed Saturday, May 19th, and cannot accept any dinner reservations. Our apologies for the inconvenience.'''
May 03, 2018, at 12:31 PM by -
Changed line 6 from:
[[MothersDay | '+''Mothers' Day Lunch''+' '+''Sunday, May 13th, 2018''+']]
[[MothersDay | '+''Mothers' Day Lunch''+' '+''Sunday, May 13th, 2018, Seating will be limited, click this link for more menu details''+']]
May 03, 2018, at 12:30 PM by -
Added lines 5-6:

[[MothersDay | '+''Mothers' Day Lunch''+' '+''Sunday, May 13th, 2018''+']]
Deleted lines 4-6:

!!Holiday Hours - Easter
We will be open our regular hours during the week prior to Easter except Friday, March 30th, we will be open for dinner only (no lunch service,) and we will be open for Easter Sunday, click the link below for more information.
Deleted lines 7-9:

!! Easter Sunday
[[EasterSunday | '+''We will be open for lunch, Easter Sunday, April 1st from 11am to 2pm.  Space is limited, we recommend making reservations early! Click on this link for more details.''+']]
Added lines 5-7:

!!Holiday Hours - Easter
We will be open our regular hours during the week prior to Easter except Friday, March 30th, we will be open for dinner only (no lunch service,) and we will be open for Easter Sunday, click the link below for more information.
Added line 6:
!! Easter Sunday
Added lines 5-6:

[[EasterSunday | '+''We will be open for lunch, Easter Sunday, April 1st from 11am to 2pm.  Space is limited, we recommend making reservations early! Click on this link for more details.''+']]
Deleted lines 4-6:

!! Thursday, February 15th
'''We will be closed for lunch service, Thursday, February 15th, and resume our regular dinner service after 6pm, Thursday, February 15th.'''
Changed line 7 from:
'''We will be closed for lunch service, Thursday, February 15th, and open for dinner service at 6pm.'''
'''We will be closed for lunch service, Thursday, February 15th, and resume our regular dinner service after 6pm, Thursday, February 15th.'''
Changed lines 6-9 from:
!! Valentine's Day, Wednesday, February 14th
'''Wednesday, February 14th we will only have dinner service, click the link below for more details.'''

[[ValentinesDay | '+''Our current availability for Valentines dinner is 9pm and later. We are only serving dinner on Wednesday, February 14th. Click on this link for more details, and call early!!!!''+']] '''Our availability for Thursday, February 15th is fast becoming limited.  Calling early will allow you the best options or it is recommended to consider Friday the 16th or Saturday the 17th
!! Thursday, February 15th
'''We will be closed for lunch service, Thursday, February 15th, and open for dinner service at 6pm.'''
Changed line 7 from:
'''Wednesday, February 13th, we will only have dinner service, click the link below for more details.'''
'''Wednesday, February 14th we will only have dinner service, click the link below for more details.'''
Changed lines 6-7 from:
!! Mardi Gras
'''We will be closed Tuesday,
February 13th for Mardi Gras.  Wednesday, February 13th, we will only have dinner service.'''
!! Valentine's Day, Wednesday, February 14th
February 13th, we will only have dinner service, click the link below for more details.'''
Added lines 5-7:

!! Mardi Gras
'''We will be closed Tuesday, February 13th for Mardi Gras.  Wednesday, February 13th, we will only have dinner service.'''
Changed line 6 from:
[[ValentinesDay | '+''Our current availability for Valentines dinner is 9pm and later. We are only serving dinner on Wednesday, February 14th. Click on this link for more details, and call early!!!!''+']] '''Our availability for Thursday, February 15th is fast becoming limited.  Calling early will allow you the best options or it is recommended to consider the following weekend.'''
[[ValentinesDay | '+''Our current availability for Valentines dinner is 9pm and later. We are only serving dinner on Wednesday, February 14th. Click on this link for more details, and call early!!!!''+']] '''Our availability for Thursday, February 15th is fast becoming limited.  Calling early will allow you the best options or it is recommended to consider Friday the 16th or Saturday the 17th.'''
Changed line 6 from:
[[ValentinesDay | '+''Our current availability for Valentines dinner is 9pm and later. We are only serving dinner on Wednesday, February 14th. We are also presenting a Prix Fixe menu for Saturday, February 10th with options for $85.  Click on this link for more details, and call early!!!!''+']]
[[ValentinesDay | '+''Our current availability for Valentines dinner is 9pm and later. We are only serving dinner on Wednesday, February 14th. Click on this link for more details, and call early!!!!''+']] '''Our availability for Thursday, February 15th is fast becoming limited.  Calling early will allow you the best options or it is recommended to consider the following weekend.'''
Changed line 6 from:
[[ValentinesDay | '+''Our current availability for Valentines dinner is 9pm and later. We are only serving dinner on Wednesday, February 14th. We are also presenting a same Prix Fixe menu for Saturday, February 10th with options for $85.  Click on this link for more details, and call early!!!!''+']]
[[ValentinesDay | '+''Our current availability for Valentines dinner is 9pm and later. We are only serving dinner on Wednesday, February 14th. We are also presenting a Prix Fixe menu for Saturday, February 10th with options for $85.  Click on this link for more details, and call early!!!!''+']]
Changed line 6 from:
[[ValentinesDay | '+''Valentines hits the day after Mardi Gras, Wendnesday, February 14th.  We will only be serving dinner, however we will open at 5pm.  We are likely to fill quickly, so making reservations early provides the most flexibility.  We are also presenting the same Prix Fixe menu for Saturday, February 10th with options for 3 or 4 courses.  Click on this link for more details, and call early!!!!''+']]
[[ValentinesDay | '+''Our current availability for Valentines dinner is 9pm and later. We are only serving dinner on Wednesday, February 14th. We are also presenting a same Prix Fixe menu for Saturday, February 10th with options for $85.  Click on this link for more details, and call early!!!!''+']]
Changed line 6 from:
[[LunchMenu | '+''Lunch Tuesday through Friday, 11am to 2pm''+']]
[[ValentinesDay | '+''Valentines hits the day after Mardi Gras, Wendnesday, February 14th.  We will only be serving dinner, however we will open at 5pm.  We are likely to fill quickly, so making reservations early provides the most flexibility.  We are also presenting the same Prix Fixe menu for Saturday, February 10th with options for 3 or 4 courses.  Click on this link for more details, and call early!!!!''+']]
Added lines 5-6:

[[LunchMenu | '+''Lunch Tuesday through Friday, 11am to 2pm''+']]
Deleted lines 4-9:

!!New Year's Eve
[[NewYearsEve | '+''Start making your New Year's Eve plans soon!  Seating will be limited, make your reservations early for more options!  Click here for more details.''+']]

!! Holiday Rest January 1st until 6pm, January 9th.
'''We have had a long holiday month and we will be taking a break from January 1st through January 8th, and re-open for dinner, Tuesday, January 9th at 6:00pm and resume our regular operating hours.'''
Deleted lines 5-7:
!! Holiday Hours
'''We will have our regular operating hours for the week between Christmas Eve and New Year's Eve, Tuesday, December 26th, through Sunday, December 31st. We will be closed January 1st through January 8th, and re-open for dinner, Tuesday, January 9th at 6:00pm and resume our regular operating hours.'''

Added lines 8-10:

!! Holiday Rest January 1st until 6pm, January 9th.
'''We have had a long holiday month and we will be taking a break from January 1st through January 8th, and re-open for dinner, Tuesday, January 9th at 6:00pm and resume our regular operating hours.'''
Added lines 6-8:
!! Holiday Hours
'''We will have our regular operating hours for the week between Christmas Eve and New Year's Eve, Tuesday, December 26th, through Sunday, December 31st. We will be closed January 1st through January 8th, and re-open for dinner, Tuesday, January 9th at 6:00pm and resume our regular operating hours.'''

Deleted lines 13-16:

!! Holiday Hours
'''Saturday, December 9th, we are fully committed and are unable to accept any more reservations.'''
'''We will have our regular operating hours for the week between Christmas Eve and New Year's Eve, Tuesday, December 26th, through Sunday, December 31st. We will be closed January 1st through January 8th, and re-open for dinner, Tuesday, January 9th at 6:00pm and resume our regular operating hours.'''
Added line 6:
!!New Year's Eve
Added lines 11-14:

!! Holiday Hours
'''Saturday, December 9th, we are fully committed and are unable to accept any more reservations.'''
'''We will have our regular operating hours for the week between Christmas Eve and New Year's Eve, Tuesday, December 26th, through Sunday, December 31st. We will be closed January 1st through January 8th, and re-open for dinner, Tuesday, January 9th at 6:00pm and resume our regular operating hours.'''
Added lines 5-6:

[[NewYearsEve | '+''Start making your New Year's Eve plans soon!  Seating will be limited, make your reservations early for more options!  Click here for more details.''+']]
Deleted lines 4-6:

!! Chamber Music Dinner IV, Wednesday, Nov. 29th, 2017
[[SpecialEvents | '+''A three course prix fixe menu served while members of the Houston Symphony play Chamber Music. This event is extremely popular with previous attendees and is likely to fill quickly.  Seating is very limited and early reservations are highly recommended.  Click this link for more details''+']]
Deleted lines 7-9:

!! Thanksgiving Holiday Hours
'''We will operate our regular business hours Tuesday & Wednesday.  Wednesday evening we are receiving more reservations than usual, so best to call if you're considering joining us Wednesday evening.  We will be closed Thursday, November 23rd, and on Black Friday, we will only be open for dinner from 6-10pm.  337.439.8364'''
Changed lines 9-10 from:
!! Thanksgiving Turkey To Go, Thursday, Nov. 23rd, 2017
[[ThanksgivingLunch | '+''A Traditional Turkey Dinner for six, hot and ready to eat available to pickup from 11:00-11:30am.  Click this link for more details
!! Thanksgiving Holiday Hours
'''We will operate our regular business hours Tuesday & Wednesday.  Wednesday evening we are receiving more reservations than usual, so best to call if you're considering joining us Wednesday evening.  We will be closed Thursday, November 23rd, and on Black Friday, we will only be open for dinner from 6-10pm.  337.439.8364
Changed line 6 from:
!! Chamber Music Dinner, Wednesday, Nov. 29th, 2017
!! Chamber Music Dinner IV, Wednesday, Nov. 29th, 2017
Added lines 8-10:

!! Thanksgiving Turkey To Go, Thursday, Nov. 23rd, 2017
[[ThanksgivingLunch | '+''A Traditional Turkey Dinner for six, hot and ready to eat available to pickup from 11:00-11:30am.  Click this link for more details''+']]
Changed line 6 from:
!! Chamber Music Dinner, Wednesday, November 29th, 2017
!! Chamber Music Dinner, Wednesday, Nov. 29th, 2017
Added lines 5-7:

!! Chamber Music Dinner, Wednesday, November 29th, 2017
[[SpecialEvents | '+''A three course prix fixe menu served while members of the Houston Symphony play Chamber Music. This event is extremely popular with previous attendees and is likely to fill quickly.  Seating is very limited and early reservations are highly recommended.  Click this link for more details''+']]
Deleted lines 4-9:

!! No dinner service Friday, September 29th
'''We are fulling committed for dinner service on Friday, September 29th.  We will be open for lunch service.'''

!! Limited availability for dinner, Thursday, October 5th
'''We are very limited for dinner service on Thursday, October 5th.'''
Added lines 8-10:

!! Limited availability for dinner, Thursday, October 5th
'''We are very limited for dinner service on Thursday, October 5th.'''
Changed lines 6-7 from:
!! Hurricane Harvey
'''We are slowly getting back to normal, although a challenge here and there with supply channels, but most of our menu is available
!! No dinner service Friday, September 29th
'''We are fulling committed for dinner service on Friday, September 29th.  We will be open for lunch service
Changed line 7 from:
'''We are open today, Wednesday, August 30th for our lunch and dinner service hours.  We encourage calling to make reservations.  If we find that we don't expect business, we will close early.  Given the disaster in Houston due to Harvey, our supply chain has been severely damaged; we do have most of our food items on hand, however as we source alternate suppliers, we do expect to have difficulty in maintaining all our menu items until our suppliers and the region recovers.  Thank you for your understanding.  337.439.8364'''
'''We are slowly getting back to normal, although a challenge here and there with supply channels, but most of our menu is available.'''
Changed line 7 from:
'''We plan to maintain our regular business hours Tuesday, although we highly encourage calling to make reservations.  If we find that we don't expect business, we will close early.  Given the disaster in Houston due to Harvey, our supply chain has been severely damaged; we do have most of our food items on hand, however as we source alternate suppliers, we do expect to have difficulty in maintaining all our menu items until our suppliers and the region recovers.  Thank you for your understanding.  337.439.8364'''
'''We are open today, Wednesday, August 30th for our lunch and dinner service hours.  We encourage calling to make reservations.  If we find that we don't expect business, we will close early.  Given the disaster in Houston due to Harvey, our supply chain has been severely damaged; we do have most of our food items on hand, however as we source alternate suppliers, we do expect to have difficulty in maintaining all our menu items until our suppliers and the region recovers.  Thank you for your understanding.  337.439.8364'''
Added lines 5-7:

!! Hurricane Harvey
'''We plan to maintain our regular business hours Tuesday, although we highly encourage calling to make reservations.  If we find that we don't expect business, we will close early.  Given the disaster in Houston due to Harvey, our supply chain has been severely damaged; we do have most of our food items on hand, however as we source alternate suppliers, we do expect to have difficulty in maintaining all our menu items until our suppliers and the region recovers.  Thank you for your understanding.  337.439.8364'''
Deleted lines 4-6:

!! Thursday, July 20th
'''We will be closed for lunch & dinner service this Thursday, July 20th.  We will be open for our regular operating hours for the weekend.'''
Changed lines 6-7 from:
!! Independence Day Holiday
'''We will be closed, Tuesday, July 4th and Wednesday July 5th.  We will re-open for dinner service at 6pm on Thursday, July 6th and resume our regular operating hours.  Have a Happy & Safe Independence Day!'''
!! Thursday, July 20th
'''We will be closed for lunch & dinner service this Thursday, July 20th.  We will be open for our regular operating hours for the weekend.'''
Added lines 5-7:

!! Independence Day Holiday
'''We will be closed, Tuesday, July 4th and Wednesday July 5th.  We will re-open for dinner service at 6pm on Thursday, July 6th and resume our regular operating hours.  Have a Happy & Safe Independence Day!'''
Deleted lines 4-6:

!! Friday, June 2nd - Closed for Dinner Service (Open for lunch)
'''Friday, June 2nd, we will be open for lunch service from 11a-2p; we will be closed for dinner service that evening only.'''
May 26, 2017, at 04:08 PM by -
Added lines 5-7:

!! Friday, June 2nd - Closed for Dinner Service (Open for lunch)
'''Friday, June 2nd, we will be open for lunch service from 11a-2p; we will be closed for dinner service that evening only.'''
May 23, 2017, at 01:14 PM by -
Deleted lines 4-6:

[[MothersDay | '+''Mother's Day is nigh, Sunday, May 14th, and we will fill up quickly & thoroughly.  Making reservations early provides you with the most options for seatings.  Click this link for details.''+']]
May 02, 2017, at 03:46 PM by -
Changed line 7 from:
[[EasterSunday | '+''Easter Lunch, Sunday, April 16th. Click this link for more details''+']]
[[MothersDay | '+''Mother's Day is nigh, Sunday, May 14th, and we will fill up quickly & thoroughly.  Making reservations early provides you with the most options for seatings.  Click this link for details.''+']]
Changed line 7 from:
[[EasterSunday | '+''Easter Lunch is around the corner!! We'll be presenting a 3 course, prix fixe menu from 11am - 2pm.  Availability is limited and "after church" spots fill up quickly.  Early seatings are highly recommended, so call soon for better seating times. Click this link for more details''+']]
[[EasterSunday | '+''Easter Lunch, Sunday, April 16th. Click this link for more details''+']]
Changed line 7 from:
[[EasterLunch | '+''Easter is around the corner and we'll be presenting a 3 course, prix fixe menu.  Availability is limited and "after church" spots fill up quickly.  Early seatings are highly recommended, so call soon for better seating times.  Click this link for more details''+']]
[[EasterSunday | '+''Easter Lunch is around the corner!! We'll be presenting a 3 course, prix fixe menu from 11am - 2pm.  Availability is limited and "after church" spots fill up quickly.  Early seatings are highly recommended, so call soon for better seating times.  Click this link for more details''+']]
Changed lines 6-7 from:
!! Mardi Gras Schedule
'''We will be closed all day Tuesday, February 28th, (Mardi Gras), all day Wednesday, March 1st (Ash Wednesday) and re-open for dinner service (closed for lunch,) Thursday, March 2nd at 6:00pm at which time we will resume our regular service hours.'''

[[EasterLunch | '+''Easter is around the corner and we'll be presenting a 3 course, prix fixe menu.  Availability is limited and "after church" spots fill up quickly.  Early seatings are highly recommended, so call soon for better seating times.  Click this link for more details''+']]
Deleted lines 7-10:

!! Wednesday, February 15th
'''We will be closed for lunch, Wednesday, February 15th.  Our staff had an extremely extended evening last night, and it's only fair to give them an opportunity to rest so they can provide the attention and service they desire to maintain.  We apologize for any inconvenience, however, it's our effort and diligence to provide what is expected on a regular basis whenever anyone decides to dine with us.  We'll be open for dinner service at 6pm, and feel free to call us for reservations.  We thank and appreciate your understanding.'''

Changed lines 9-10 from:

[[ValentinesDay | '+''VALENTINES DAY: Reservations available are 9pm and later. Unless there is a cancellation, we have no openings prior.  We are only open for dinner Tuesday, Feburary 14th. (Closed for lunch.) Click here for menu details.''+']]
!! Wednesday, February 15th
'''We will be closed for lunch, Wednesday, February 15th.  Our staff had an extremely extended evening last night, and it's only fair to give them an opportunity to rest so they can provide the attention and service they desire to maintain.  We apologize for any inconvenience, however, it's our effort and diligence to provide what is expected on a regular basis whenever anyone decides to dine with us.  We'll be open for dinner service at 6pm, and feel free to call us for reservations.  We thank and appreciate your understanding.'''
Changed lines 10-13 from:
[[ValentinesDay | '+''VALENTINES DAY: Reservations will be very limited, calling early will provide you with the best options.  Saturday, February 11th, we will be providing a pre-Valentines Prix Fixe dinner menu and Tuesday, February 14th, we will be open for dinner only.  Click here for more information.''+']]

!! Valentine's Schedule
'''Saturday, February 11th, we will be presenting a four course prix fixe menu with options for 3 or 4 courses. Our regular dinner menu will not be presented.  Tuesday, February 14th, we will be presenting only a four course prix fixe menu.  !We currently only have late openings for Valentine's Dinner! We will be closed for lunch service, Tuesday, February 14th.  For more details, click the link above.'''
[[ValentinesDay | '+''VALENTINES DAY: Reservations available are 9pm and later. Unless there is a cancellation, we have no openings prior.  We are only open for dinner Tuesday, Feburary 14th. (Closed for lunch.) Click here for menu details.''+']]
Changed line 13 from:
'''Saturday, February 11th, we will be presenting a four course prix fixe menu with options for 3 or 4 courses. Our regular dinner menu will not be presented.  Tuesday, February 14th, we will be presenting only a four course prix fixe menu.  We will be closed for lunch service, Tuesday, February 14th.  For more details, click the link above.'''
'''Saturday, February 11th, we will be presenting a four course prix fixe menu with options for 3 or 4 courses. Our regular dinner menu will not be presented.  Tuesday, February 14th, we will be presenting only a four course prix fixe menu.  !We currently only have late openings for Valentine's Dinner! We will be closed for lunch service, Tuesday, February 14th.  For more details, click the link above.'''
Added lines 6-9:
!! Mardi Gras Schedule
'''We will be closed all day Tuesday, February 28th, (Mardi Gras), all day Wednesday, March 1st (Ash Wednesday) and re-open for dinner service (closed for lunch,) Thursday, March 2nd at 6:00pm at which time we will resume our regular service hours.'''

Deleted lines 13-15:

!! Mardi Gras Schedule
'''We will be closed all day Tuesday, February 28th, (Mardi Gras), all day Wednesday, March 1st (Ash Wednesday) and re-open for dinner service (closed for lunch,) Thursday, March 2nd at 6:00pm at which time we will resume our regular service hours.'''
Changed line 12 from:
'''We will be closed all day Tuesday, February 28th, (Mardi Gras), all day Wednesday, March 1st (Ash Wednesday) and re-open for dinner service, Thursday, March 2nd (closed for lunch) at 6:00pm at which time we will resume our regular service hours.'''
'''We will be closed all day Tuesday, February 28th, (Mardi Gras), all day Wednesday, March 1st (Ash Wednesday) and re-open for dinner service (closed for lunch,) Thursday, March 2nd at 6:00pm at which time we will resume our regular service hours.'''
Added lines 10-13:

!! Mardi Gras Schedule
'''We will be closed all day Tuesday, February 28th, (Mardi Gras), all day Wednesday, March 1st (Ash Wednesday) and re-open for dinner service, Thursday, March 2nd (closed for lunch) at 6:00pm at which time we will resume our regular service hours.'''

Added lines 7-9:

!! Valentine's Schedule
'''Saturday, February 11th, we will be presenting a four course prix fixe menu with options for 3 or 4 courses. Our regular dinner menu will not be presented.  Tuesday, February 14th, we will be presenting only a four course prix fixe menu.  We will be closed for lunch service, Tuesday, February 14th.  For more details, click the link above.'''
Changed line 6 from:
[[ValentinesDay | '+''VALENTINES DAY: Reservations will be very limited, calling early will provide you with the best options.  Saturday evening we will be presenting a pre-Valentines Prix Fixe menu and Tuesday, February 14th, we will be open for dinner only.  Click here for more information.''+']]
[[ValentinesDay | '+''VALENTINES DAY: Reservations will be very limited, calling early will provide you with the best options.  Saturday, February 11th, we will be providing a pre-Valentines Prix Fixe dinner menu and Tuesday, February 14th, we will be open for dinner only.  Click here for more information.''+']]
Changed line 6 from:
[[ValentinesDay | '+''Reservations will be very limited, calling early will provide you with the best options.  Saturday evening we will be presenting a pre-Valentines Prix Fixe menu and Tuesday, February 14th, we will be open for dinner only.  Click here for more information.''+']]
[[ValentinesDay | '+''VALENTINES DAY: Reservations will be very limited, calling early will provide you with the best options.  Saturday evening we will be presenting a pre-Valentines Prix Fixe menu and Tuesday, February 14th, we will be open for dinner only.  Click here for more information.''+']]
Added lines 5-6:

[[ValentinesDay | '+''Reservations will be very limited, calling early will provide you with the best options.  Saturday evening we will be presenting a pre-Valentines Prix Fixe menu and Tuesday, February 14th, we will be open for dinner only.  Click here for more information.''+']]
Changed lines 11-12 from:
[[TuesdayEveningJazz | '+''Live Jazz Piano''+' '+''Tuesday Evenings 7-9 pm with Chester Daigle''+']]\\
[[TuesdayEveningJazz | '+''Live Jazz Piano''+' '+''Tuesday Evenings 7-9 pm with Chester Daigle''+']]
Deleted lines 4-6:

!! Holiday Schedule
'''After [[NewYearsEve | New Year's Eve]], we will be closed, Tuesday, January 3rd, Wednesday January 4th and re-open for dinner, Thursday, January 5th at 6pm.'''
Changed line 7 from:
'''After [[NewYearsEve | New Year's Eve]], we will be closed, Tuesday, January 3rd, Wednesday January 4th and re-open for dinner, Thursday, January 5th.'''
'''After [[NewYearsEve | New Year's Eve]], we will be closed, Tuesday, January 3rd, Wednesday January 4th and re-open for dinner, Thursday, January 5th at 6pm.'''
Deleted lines 4-5:

[[NewYearsEve | '+''NEW YEAR'S EVE DINNER: Ring in the New Year with an exquisite prix fixe menu Saturday, December 31st.  Seating will be very limited, so click here for details and make your reservations soon!!''+']]
Changed line 9 from:
'''After [[ChristmasEveDinner |Christmas Eve Dinner]], we will be closed Tuesday, December 27th, Wednesday, December 28th and re-open for dinner, Thursday, December 29th.  We currently have limited seating available on Thursday December 29th. After [[NewYearsEve | New Year's Eve]], we will be closed, Tuesday, January 3rd, Wednesday January 4th and re-open for dinner, Thursday, January 5th.'''
'''After [[NewYearsEve | New Year's Eve]], we will be closed, Tuesday, January 3rd, Wednesday January 4th and re-open for dinner, Thursday, January 5th.'''
Changed line 9 from:
'''After Christmas Eve, we will be closed Tuesday, December 27th, Wednesday, December 28th and re-open for dinner, Thursday, December 29th.  We currently have limited seating available on Thursday December 29th. After [[NewYearsEve | New Year's Eve]], we will be closed, Tuesday, January 3rd, Wednesday January 4th and re-open for dinner, Thursday, January 5th.'''
'''After [[ChristmasEveDinner |Christmas Eve Dinner]], we will be closed Tuesday, December 27th, Wednesday, December 28th and re-open for dinner, Thursday, December 29th.  We currently have limited seating available on Thursday December 29th. After [[NewYearsEve | New Year's Eve]], we will be closed, Tuesday, January 3rd, Wednesday January 4th and re-open for dinner, Thursday, January 5th.'''
Changed line 9 from:
'''After Christmas Eve, we will be closed Tuesday, December 27th, Wednesday, December 28th and re-open for dinner, Thursday, December 29th.  We currently have limited seating available on Thursday December 29th. After New Year's Eve, we will be closed, Tuesday, January 3rd, Wednesday January 4th and re-open for dinner, Thursday, January 5th.'''
'''After Christmas Eve, we will be closed Tuesday, December 27th, Wednesday, December 28th and re-open for dinner, Thursday, December 29th.  We currently have limited seating available on Thursday December 29th. After [[NewYearsEve | New Year's Eve]], we will be closed, Tuesday, January 3rd, Wednesday January 4th and re-open for dinner, Thursday, January 5th.'''
Changed line 6 from:
[[NewYearsEve | '+''Ring in the New Year with an exquisite prix fixe menu Saturday, December 31st.  Seating will be very limited, so click here for details and make your reservations soon!!''+']]
[[NewYearsEve | '+''NEW YEAR'S EVE DINNER: Ring in the New Year with an exquisite prix fixe menu Saturday, December 31st.  Seating will be very limited, so click here for details and make your reservations soon!!''+']]
Added lines 5-6:

[[NewYearsEve | '+''Ring in the New Year with an exquisite prix fixe menu Saturday, December 31st.  Seating will be very limited, so click here for details and make your reservations soon!!''+']]
Changed line 7 from:
'''We will be closed Tuesday, December 27th, Wednesday, December 28th and re-open for dinner, Thursday, December 29th.  We currently have limited seating available on Thursday December 29th. '''
'''After Christmas Eve, we will be closed Tuesday, December 27th, Wednesday, December 28th and re-open for dinner, Thursday, December 29th.  We currently have limited seating available on Thursday December 29th. After New Year's Eve, we will be closed, Tuesday, January 3rd, Wednesday January 4th and re-open for dinner, Thursday, January 5th.'''
Added lines 5-7:

!! Holiday Schedule
'''We will be closed Tuesday, December 27th, Wednesday, December 28th and re-open for dinner, Thursday, December 29th.  We currently have limited seating available on Thursday December 29th. '''
Deleted lines 4-8:

[[Special Events | '+''Chamber Music Dinner, Wednesday, November 30th - a special evening with string musicians from the Houston Symphony make this evening memorable beyond imagination.  Click here for details''+']]

!!Thanksgiving Week
'''We will be closed Thanksgiving Day and for lunch, Friday, November 25th.  We will resume our regular hours at dinner service, 6pm, Friday, November 25th.'''
Added lines 6-7:
[[Special Events | '+''Chamber Music Dinner, Wednesday, November 30th - a special evening with string musicians from the Houston Symphony make this evening memorable beyond imagination.  Click here for details''+']]
Deleted lines 12-14:

[[Special Events | '+''Chamber Music Dinner, Wednesday, November 30th - a special evening with string musicians from the Houston Symphony make this evening memorable beyond imagination.  Click here for details''+']]
Added lines 6-8:
!!Thanksgiving Week
'''We will be closed Thanksgiving Day and for lunch, Friday, November 25th.  We will resume our regular hours at dinner service, 6pm, Friday, November 25th.'''

Deleted lines 13-14:

[[ThanksgivingLunch | '+''Thanksgiving at La Truffe Sauvage or To Go!  Thursday, November 24th, 11am - 2pm.  Click here for more details''+']]
Added lines 8-12:

[[Special Events | '+''Chamber Music Dinner, Wednesday, November 30th - a special evening with string musicians from the Houston Symphony make this evening memorable beyond imagination.  Click here for details''+']]

[[ThanksgivingLunch | '+''Thanksgiving at La Truffe Sauvage or To Go!  Thursday, November 24th, 11am - 2pm.  Click here for more details''+']]
July 10, 2016, at 01:16 AM by -
Deleted lines 7-9:

!! July 4th Holiday
'''We will be closed Tuesday, July 5th, Wednesday, July 6th and for lunch on Thursday, July 7th.  We will resume our regular hours, opening for dinner on Thursday, July 7th at 6pm. '''
June 24, 2016, at 09:20 AM by -
Added lines 8-10:

!! July 4th Holiday
'''We will be closed Tuesday, July 5th, Wednesday, July 6th and for lunch on Thursday, July 7th.  We will resume our regular hours, opening for dinner on Thursday, July 7th at 6pm. '''
June 07, 2016, at 02:28 AM by -
Deleted lines 4-6:

[[MothersDay | '+''Mothers Day, Sunday May 8th will be here soon and space will be extremely limited if you do not make reservations early.  Click here for more details.''+']]
'''Update Friday, May 6th, 10 am: Our availability for Sunday is limited to later openings only for larger tables, there is an opening or two for couples early (11a / 11:30a.) Bear in mind, availability is subject to change without notice. We are also extremely busy for Saturday evening and openings are limited to late seatings only; we have plenty of openings available this evening, Friday, May 6th.'''
May 06, 2016, at 03:42 PM by -
Changed line 7 from:
'''Update Friday, May 6th, 10 am: Our availability for Sunday is limited to later openings only for larger tables, there are an opening or two for couples early (11a / 11:30a.) Bear in mind, availability is subject to change without notice.'''
'''Update Friday, May 6th, 10 am: Our availability for Sunday is limited to later openings only for larger tables, there is an opening or two for couples early (11a / 11:30a.) Bear in mind, availability is subject to change without notice. We are also extremely busy for Saturday evening and openings are limited to late seatings only; we have plenty of openings available this evening, Friday, May 6th.'''
May 06, 2016, at 03:34 PM by -
Added line 7:
'''Update Friday, May 6th, 10 am: Our availability for Sunday is limited to later openings only for larger tables, there are an opening or two for couples early (11a / 11:30a.) Bear in mind, availability is subject to change without notice.'''
April 17, 2016, at 11:02 PM by -
Added line 6:
[[MothersDay | '+''Mothers Day, Sunday May 8th will be here soon and space will be extremely limited if you do not make reservations early.  Click here for more details.''+']]
April 06, 2016, at 02:46 AM by -
Deleted line 5:
'''Chester & Jairus Daigle will not be performing this evening, Tuesday, April 5th'''
April 05, 2016, at 09:52 PM by -
Added lines 5-6:

'''Chester & Jairus Daigle will not be performing this evening, Tuesday, April 5th'''
March 27, 2016, at 09:55 PM by -
Deleted lines 4-5:
!! Easter Sunday Lunch
[[Easter Sunday | '+''A three course prix fixe menu served Sunday, March 27th from 11am to 3pm.  Click here for details and call 337.439.8364 to make reservations.  Seating is very limited, please be ready to be flexible if you'd like to join us!''+']]
March 27, 2016, at 03:07 AM by -
Deleted lines 4-6:
!!Good Friday Hours (Friday, March 25th)
'''Dinner only: 6pm-10pm - (no lunch service)'''

March 26, 2016, at 04:56 AM by -
Changed line 9 from:
[[Easter Sunday | '+''A three course prix fixe menu served Sunday, March 27th from 11am to 3pm.  Click here for details and call 337.439.8364 to make reservations.  Seating is typically limited, so calling early will give you the best options!''+']]
[[Easter Sunday | '+''A three course prix fixe menu served Sunday, March 27th from 11am to 3pm.  Click here for details and call 337.439.8364 to make reservations.  Seating is very limited, please be ready to be flexible if you'd like to join us!''+']]
March 23, 2016, at 02:54 PM by -
Changed line 6 from:
Dinner only: 6pm-10pm - (no lunch service)
'''Dinner only: 6pm-10pm - (no lunch service)'''
March 23, 2016, at 02:54 PM by -
Added lines 5-7:
!!Good Friday Hours (Friday, March 25th)
Dinner only: 6pm-10pm - (no lunch service)

Added lines 5-6:
!! Easter Sunday Lunch
[[Easter Sunday | '+''A three course prix fixe menu served Sunday, March 27th from 11am to 3pm.  Click here for details and call 337.439.8364 to make reservations.  Seating is typically limited, so calling early will give you the best options!''+']]
Deleted lines 4-6:

'''We will be closed this Tuesday, February 17th and resume our regular business hours starting with lunch, Wednesday, February 18th.  We've had a busy weekend and need a little time to rest.'''\\

Changed lines 6-9 from:
[[ValentinesDay | [++'''Valentine's Weekend'''++]]]\\
'''We are presenting a 4 course prix fixe menu with choices within each course on Friday
, February 12th, Saturday, February 13th and Sunday, February 14th.  We currently have some availability for Friday evening, Saturday our openings are 9pm or later; Sunday, openings are 9pm or later.'''\\
'''Call 337.439.8364 for availability.'''
[[ValentinesDay | '+''Valentine's Weekend - Click here to see the menu.''+']]
'''We will be closed this Tuesday, February 17th and resume our regular business hours starting with lunch, Wednesday, February 18th.  We've had a busy weekend and need a little time to rest.'''\\
Changed line 7 from:
'''We are presenting a 4 course prix fixe menu with choices within each course on Friday, February 12th, Saturday, February 13th and Sunday, February 14th.  We will be closed for lunch on Friday, February 12th to prepare. We currently have some availability for Friday evening, Saturday our openings are 9pm or later; Sunday, we have two openings at 8:30; other openings are 9pm or later.'''\\
'''We are presenting a 4 course prix fixe menu with choices within each course on Friday, February 12th, Saturday, February 13th and Sunday, February 14th.  We currently have some availability for Friday evening, Saturday our openings are 9pm or later; Sunday, openings are 9pm or later.'''\\
Deleted lines 5-7:
!! Mardis Gras Schedule
'''We will be closed all day, Tuesday, February 9th, and for lunch, Wednesday, February 10th.  We will re-open for dinner at 6pm, Wednesday, February 10th.'''

Changed line 7 from:
'''We are presenting a 4 course prix fixe menu with choices within each course on Friday, February 12th, Saturday, February 13th and Sunday, February 14th.  We will be closed for lunch on Friday, February 12th to prepare.'''\\
'''We are presenting a 4 course prix fixe menu with choices within each course on Friday, February 12th, Saturday, February 13th and Sunday, February 14th.  We will be closed for lunch on Friday, February 12th to prepare. We currently have some availability for Friday evening, Saturday our openings are 9pm or later; Sunday, we have two openings at 8:30; other openings are 9pm or later.'''\\
Changed line 9 from:
[[ValentinesDay | '+''Valentine's Weekend will be here soon and we fill up early! Click here to see the menu.''+']]
[[ValentinesDay | '+''Valentine's Weekend - Click here to see the menu.''+']]
Added lines 5-7:

!! Mardis Gras Schedule
'''We will be closed all day, Tuesday, February 9th, and for lunch, Wednesday, February 10th.  We will re-open for dinner at 6pm, Wednesday, February 10th.'''
Changed line 8 from:
'''Call 337.439.8364 for availability.'''\\
'''Call 337.439.8364 for availability.'''
Changed line 8 from:
'''Call 337.439.8364 for availability.'''
'''Call 337.439.8364 for availability.'''\\
Changed line 8 from:
'''Call 337.439.8364 for availability.'''\\
'''Call 337.439.8364 for availability.'''
Changed line 8 from:
'''Call 337.439.8364 for availability.'''
'''Call 337.439.8364 for availability.'''\\
Changed line 8 from:
'''Click the link below for the menu and options, call 337.439.8364 for availability.'''
'''Call 337.439.8364 for availability.'''
Changed lines 7-8 from:
'''We are presenting a 4 course prix fixe menu with choices within each course on Friday, February 12th, Saturday, February 13th and Sunday, February 14th.  We will be closed for lunch on Friday, February 12th to prepare. Click the link below for the menu and options, call 337.439.8364 for availability.'''
'''We are presenting a 4 course prix fixe menu with choices within each course on Friday, February 12th, Saturday, February 13th and Sunday, February 14th.  We will be closed for lunch on Friday, February 12th to prepare.'''\\
Click the link below for the menu and options, call 337.439.8364 for availability.'''
Changed line 7 from:
'''We are presenting a 4 course prix fixe menu with choices within each course on Friday, February 12th, Saturday, February 13th and Sunday, February 14th.  We will be closed for lunch on Friday, February 12th to prepare  Click the link below for the menu and options, call 337.439.8364 for availability.'''
'''We are presenting a 4 course prix fixe menu with choices within each course on Friday, February 12th, Saturday, February 13th and Sunday, February 14th.  We will be closed for lunch on Friday, February 12th to prepare. Click the link below for the menu and options, call 337.439.8364 for availability.'''
Changed lines 6-7 from:
!! Valentines Weekend
[[ValentinesDay | [++''''Valentine's Weekend''''++]]]\\
[[ValentinesDay | [++'''Valentine's Weekend'''++]]]\\
Changed line 7 from:
[[ValentinesDay | ++''''Valentine's Weekend''''++]]\\
[[ValentinesDay | [++''''Valentine's Weekend''''++]]]\\
Changed line 7 from:
[[ValentinesDay | ++Valentine's Weekend++]]
[[ValentinesDay | ++''''Valentine's Weekend''''++]]\\
Changed lines 6-7 from:
[[ValentinesDay | !!Valentine's Weekend!! ]]
!! Valentines Weekend
[[ValentinesDay | ++Valentine's Weekend++]]
Changed line 6 from:
[[ValentinesDay | !!Valentine's Weekend]]
[[ValentinesDay | !!Valentine's Weekend!! ]]
Changed line 6 from:
!! Valentine's Weekend
[[ValentinesDay | !!Valentine's Weekend]]
Changed line 8 from:
[[ValentinesDay | '+''Valentine's Weekend will be here soon and we fill up early!''+']]
[[ValentinesDay | '+''Valentine's Weekend will be here soon and we fill up early! Click here to see the menu.''+']]
Changed lines 7-8 from:
[[ValentinesDinner | '+''Valentine's Weekend will be here soon and we fill up early.  Call now for availability.  Click here to see what we'll be presenting!''+']]
'''We are presenting a 4 course prix fixe menu with choices within each course on Friday, February 12th, Saturday, February 13th and Sunday, February 14th.  We will be closed for lunch on Friday, February 12th to prepare  Click the link below for the menu and options, call 337.439.8364 for availability.'''
[[ValentinesDay | '+''Valentine's Weekend will be here soon and we fill up early
Added lines 5-7:

!! Valentine's Weekend
[[ValentinesDinner | '+''Valentine's Weekend will be here soon and we fill up early.  Call now for availability.  Click here to see what we'll be presenting!''+']]
Deleted lines 4-8:

!!Saturday, January 9th - fully booked!

'''We are fully committed Saturday, January 9th, although we still have openings for dinner Thursday, January 7th and Friday January 8th. We're also open for lunch on Friday from 11am-2pm'''

Deleted lines 4-8:

!!Holiday Schedule

'''Closed Friday, January 1st through lunch, Thursday, January 7th'''\\
'''Resume regular operating hours at dinner, Thursday, January 7th at 6pm'''
Added lines 6-10:
!!Holiday Schedule

'''Closed Friday, January 1st through lunch, Thursday, January 7th'''\\
'''Resume regular operating hours at dinner, Thursday, January 7th at 6pm'''

Deleted lines 17-22:

!!Holiday Schedule

'''Closed Friday, January 1st through lunch, Thursday, January 7th'''\\
'''Resume regular operating hours at dinner, Thursday, January 7th at 6pm'''

Changed lines 8-9 from:
'''We are fully committed Saturday, January 9th, although we still have openings for dinner Thursday, January 7th and Friday January 8th'''\\
We're also open for lunch on Friday from 11am-2pm'''
'''We are fully committed Saturday, January 9th, although we still have openings for dinner Thursday, January 7th and Friday January 8th. We're also open for lunch on Friday from 11am-2pm'''
Added lines 5-9:

!!Saturday, January 9th - fully booked!

'''We are fully committed Saturday, January 9th, although we still have openings for dinner Thursday, January 7th and Friday January 8th'''\\
'''We're also open for lunch on Friday from 11am-2pm'''
January 01, 2016, at 11:24 PM by -
Changed lines 6-7 from:
[[NewYearsEve | '+''New Years' Eve, Thursday, December 31st, 5:30p - 10:00 pm''+']]
Changed lines 11-13 from:
'''Tuesday, December 29th - 11a-2pm and 6-10pm with Chester Daigle from 7p-9pm'''\\
'''Wednesday, December 30th - 11a-2pm and 6-10pm'''\\
[[ NewYearsEve | '''Thursday, December 31st - 6-10pm only''' ]]\\
December 27, 2015, at 08:03 AM by -
Deleted lines 11-13:
[[ChristmasEveDinner | '''Thursday, December 24th - 6-10pm only''']]\\
'''Friday, December 25th - closed'''\\
'''Saturday, December 26th - 6-10pm'''\\
Changed lines 15-16 from:
'''Tuesday, December 29th - regular hours (lunch and dinner) with Chester Daigle from 7p-9pm'''\\
'''Wednesday, December 30th - regular hours (lunch and dinner)'''\\
'''Tuesday, December 29th - 11a-2pm and 6-10pm with Chester Daigle from 7p-9pm'''\\
'''Wednesday, December 30th - 11a-2pm and 6-10pm'''\\
Changed lines 15-16 from:
'''Tuesday, December 29th - regular hours with Chester Daigle from 7p-9pm'''\\
'''Wednesday, December 30th - regular hours'''\\
'''Tuesday, December 29th - regular hours (lunch and dinner) with Chester Daigle from 7p-9pm'''\\
'''Wednesday, December 30th - regular hours (lunch and dinner)'''\\
Changed lines 15-16 from:
'''Tuesday, December 29th and Wednesday, December 30th - regular hours'''\\
'''Tuesday, December 29th - regular hours with Chester Daigle from 7p-9pm'''\\
Wednesday, December 30th - regular hours'''\\
Added line 15:
'''Tuesday, December 29th and Wednesday, December 30th - regular hours'''\\
Deleted lines 9-12:

!!Thanksgiving Schedule
'''Thanksgiving Day, Thursday, November 26th - 11am-2pm only'''\\
'''Friday, November 27th - 6-10pm only'''
Changed line 19 from:
'''Thursday, December 31st - 6-10pm only'''\\
[[ NewYearsEve | '''Thursday, December 31st - 6-10pm only''' ]]\\
Changed line 16 from:
[[ChristmasEveDinner | '''Thursday, December 24th - 6-10pm only''']]
[[ChristmasEveDinner | '''Thursday, December 24th - 6-10pm only''']]\\
Changed line 16 from:
[[ChristmasEve | '''Thursday, December 24th - 6-10pm only''']]
[[ChristmasEveDinner | '''Thursday, December 24th - 6-10pm only''']]
Changed line 16 from:
'''Thursday, December 24th - 6-10pm only'''\\
[[ChristmasEve | '''Thursday, December 24th - 6-10pm only''']]
Changed lines 8-11 from:
!!Thanksgiving Schedule\\
!! Gift certificates
'''An ideal way to send a special gift for birthday, anniversary or a job well done.  Call us in advance and we'll have it ready when you arrive, or, if you're out of town, we can arrange to mail it.  337.439.8364'''

!!Thanksgiving Schedule
Changed line 15 from:
!!Holiday Schedule\\
!!Holiday Schedule
Deleted lines 22-23:
!! Gift certificates
'''An ideal way to send a special gift for birthday, anniversary or a job well done.  Call us in advance and we'll have it ready when you arrive, or, if you're out of town, we can arrange to mail it.  337.439.8364'''
Changed line 8 from:
'''Thanksgiving Schedule'''\\
!!Thanksgiving Schedule\\
Changed line 12 from:
'''Holiday Schedule'''\\
!!Holiday Schedule\\
Changed line 12 from:
'''Holiday Schedule'''
'''Holiday Schedule'''\\
Changed lines 13-17 from:
'''Thursday, December 24th - 6-10pm only'''\\\
'''Friday, December 25th - closed'''\\\
'''Saturday, December 26th - 6-10pm"\\\
'''Thursday, December 31st - 6-10pm only'''\\\
'''Closed Friday, January 1st through lunch, Thursday, January 7th'''\\\
'''Thursday, December 24th - 6-10pm only'''\\
'''Friday, December 25th - closed'''\\
'''Saturday, December 26th - 6-10pm'''\\
'''Thursday, December 31st - 6-10pm only'''\\
'''Closed Friday, January 1st through lunch, Thursday, January 7th'''\\
Changed lines 13-17 from:
'''Thursday, December 24th - 6-10pm only'''
'''Friday, December 25th - closed'''
'''Saturday, December 26th - 6-10pm"
'''Thursday, December 31st - 6-10pm only'''
'''Closed Friday, January 1st through lunch, Thursday, January 7th'''
'''Thursday, December 24th - 6-10pm only'''\\\
'''Friday, December 25th - closed'''\\\
'''Saturday, December 26th - 6-10pm"\\\
'''Thursday, December 31st - 6-10pm only'''\\\
'''Closed Friday, January 1st through lunch, Thursday, January 7th'''\\\
Added lines 7-18:

'''Thanksgiving Schedule'''\\
'''Thanksgiving Day, Thursday, November 26th - 11am-2pm only'''\\
'''Friday, November 27th - 6-10pm only'''

'''Holiday Schedule'''
'''Thursday, December 24th - 6-10pm only'''
'''Friday, December 25th - closed'''
'''Saturday, December 26th - 6-10pm"
'''Thursday, December 31st - 6-10pm only'''
'''Closed Friday, January 1st through lunch, Thursday, January 7th'''
'''Resume regular operating hours at dinner, Thursday, January 7th at 6pm'''
Added lines 5-6:

[[NewYearsEve | '+''New Years' Eve, Thursday, December 31st, 5:30p - 10:00 pm''+']]
Deleted lines 4-5:

[[Special Events | '+''Chamber Music Dinner''+' '+''Wednesday, November 18th''+']]\\
Deleted lines 6-8:

'''We have very little availability for Thursday dinner, and currently only have a couple of late openings.'''
Added lines 7-9:

'''We have very little availability for Thursday dinner, and currently only have a couple of late openings.'''
Added lines 6-7:
[[Special Events | '+''Chamber Music Dinner''+' '+''Wednesday, November 18th''+']]\\
Deleted line 13:
'''No live jazz piano Tuesday, October 27th'''
Deleted lines 4-5:

'''Tuesday, November 3rd, we are fully booked for dinner and no longer accepting reservations for the evening.  We do have availability for lunch from 11am-2pm.'''
Changed line 6 from:
'''Tuesday, November 3rd, we are fully booked and no longer accepting reservations for this date.'''
'''Tuesday, November 3rd, we are fully booked for dinner and no longer accepting reservations for the evening.  We do have availability for lunch from 11am-2pm.'''
Added lines 5-6:

'''Tuesday, November 3rd, we are fully booked and no longer accepting reservations for this date.'''
October 19, 2015, at 01:16 AM by -
Changed lines 4-8 from:

!! Fully Committed Saturday, October 17th
'''We are fully booked for Saturday, October 17th although we currently have space for Friday, October 16th'''

Deleted lines 9-11:
!! No live jazz piano with Chester Daigle, Tuesday, October 27th

Added line 16:
'''No live jazz piano Tuesday, October 27th'''
Changed lines 10-11 from:
!! Chester Daigle will not be with us on Tuesday evening, October 27th
!! No live jazz piano with Chester Daigle, Tuesday, October 27th
Added lines 8-10:

!! Chester Daigle will not be with us on Tuesday evening, October 27th
Added lines 5-7:

!! Fully Committed Saturday, October 17th
'''We are fully booked for Saturday, October 17th although we currently have space for Friday, October 16th'''
July 18, 2015, at 10:26 PM by -
Deleted lines 4-6:

!! Summer Break
'''We will be open for ''dinner only, Friday July 3rd'', and we will be closed Saturday, July 4th, through Saturday July 11th.  We will resume our regular operating hours with dinner, on Tuesday, July 14th.'''
June 28, 2015, at 06:25 PM by -
Changed line 7 from:
'''We will be closed Saturday, July 4th, through Saturday July 11th.  We will resume our regular operating hours with dinner, on Tuesday, July 14th.'''
'''We will be open for ''dinner only, Friday July 3rd'', and we will be closed Saturday, July 4th, through Saturday July 11th.  We will resume our regular operating hours with dinner, on Tuesday, July 14th.'''
June 24, 2015, at 04:19 AM by -
Deleted lines 4-5:

!!Chester Daigle will not be playing piano this Tuesday, June 23rd.
June 17, 2015, at 07:43 PM by -
Changed line 6 from:
'''Chester Daigle will not be playing piano this Tuesday, June 23rd.'''
!!Chester Daigle will not be playing piano this Tuesday, June 23rd.
June 17, 2015, at 07:43 PM by -
Changed lines 6-8 from:
!! Chester Daigle will not be playing piano this Tuesday, June 23rd.

!! Summer Break
'''Chester Daigle will not be playing piano this Tuesday, June 23rd.'''

!! Summer Break
June 17, 2015, at 07:39 PM by -
Changed lines 6-8 from:
!! Summer Break
!! Chester Daigle will not be playing piano this Tuesday, June 23rd.

!! Summer Break
June 17, 2015, at 12:30 AM by -
Deleted lines 4-5:

!! This Tuesday evening, July 16th; Chester Daigle will not be playing piano.
June 14, 2015, at 12:31 PM by -
Added lines 5-6:

!! This Tuesday evening, July 16th; Chester Daigle will not be playing piano.
June 01, 2015, at 06:07 PM by -
Added lines 5-7:

!! Summer Break
'''We will be closed Saturday, July 4th, through Saturday July 11th.  We will resume our regular operating hours with dinner, on Tuesday, July 14th.'''
June 01, 2015, at 05:54 PM by -
May 14, 2015, at 12:25 PM by -
Deleted lines 4-5:

[[MothersDay | '+''Mothers Day availability will be limited!  Click here for details and call for reservations soon!''+']]
April 28, 2015, at 02:31 PM by -
Changed line 6 from:
[[MothersDay | '+''Mothers Day availability will be limited!  Click here for the menu and call for reservations soon!''+']]
[[MothersDay | '+''Mothers Day availability will be limited!  Click here for details and call for reservations soon!''+']]
April 28, 2015, at 02:30 PM by -
Added lines 5-6:

[[MothersDay | '+''Mothers Day availability will be limited!  Click here for the menu and call for reservations soon!''+']]
April 21, 2015, at 10:32 PM by -
Deleted lines 4-8:

!! Easter Weekend
'''We will be closed for lunch on Good Friday, but open for dinner during our regular hours on Friday & Saturday evenings.  We will be having an Easter lunch, openings are limited, as early seatings have some availability, less so for later.'''
[[EasterSunday | '+''Sunday, April 4th, we will be open for Easter Lunch from 11am to 3pm.  Make your reservations now as the after-church openings are limited!! Click for details''+']]
March 30, 2015, at 12:01 AM by -
Changed line 8 from:
'''We will be closed for lunch on Good Friday, but open for dinner during our regular hours on Friday & Saturday.  We will be having an Easter lunch, openings are limited, as early seatings have some availability, less so for later.'''
'''We will be closed for lunch on Good Friday, but open for dinner during our regular hours on Friday & Saturday evenings.  We will be having an Easter lunch, openings are limited, as early seatings have some availability, less so for later.'''
March 30, 2015, at 12:00 AM by -
Changed lines 7-8 from:
!! Easter Brunch
[[EasterSunday |
'+''Sunday, April 4th, we will be open for Easter Lunch from 11am to 3pm.  Make your reservations now as the after-church openings fill quickly! Click for details''+']]
!! Easter Weekend
'''We will be closed for lunch on Good Friday, but open for dinner during our regular hours on Friday & Saturday.  We will be having an Easter lunch, openings are limited, as early seatings have some availability, less so for later.'''
[[EasterSunday | '+''Sunday, April 4th, we will be open for Easter Lunch from 11am to 3pm.  Make your reservations now as the after-church openings are limited!
! Click for details''+']]
February 20, 2015, at 06:42 PM by -
Added line 7:
!! Easter Brunch
February 20, 2015, at 06:41 PM by -
Added lines 5-7:

[[EasterSunday | '+''Sunday, April 4th, we will be open for Easter Lunch from 11am to 3pm.  Make your reservations now as the after-church openings fill quickly! Click for details''+']]
February 20, 2015, at 12:58 AM by -
Deleted lines 4-6:

!! Mardis Gras
'''We will be closed for lunch, Thursday, February 19th.  We will resume our regular hours with dinner service, Thursday February 19th at 6pm. '''
February 19, 2015, at 06:49 PM by -
Changed line 7 from:
'''We will be closed Tuesday, February 17th, Wednesday February 18th and for lunch, Thursday, February 19th.  We will resume our regular hours with dinner service, Thursday February 19th at 6pm. '''
'''We will be closed for lunch, Thursday, February 19th.  We will resume our regular hours with dinner service, Thursday February 19th at 6pm. '''
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Page last modified on February 12, 2025, at 08:04 PM